EANS-Adhoc: U.S. Navy Broadens CRADA with Oxygen Biotherapeutics
Geschrieben am 20-09-2010 |
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Research & Development
DURHAM, NC, September 20, 2010 - Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ
& SIX Swiss Exchange: OXBT) today announced it has amended an
existing Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) to include preclinical
trials using swine models to assess the safety and efficacy of Oxygen
Biotherapeutics´ proprietary Oxycyte® perfluorocarbon emulsion (PFCE)
for spinal cord injury (SCI) due to decompression sickness (DCS) and
for hemorrhagic shock.
The protocol for the spinal cord injury trial will measure safety and
efficacy of Oxycyte in conjunction with recompression therapy. The
hemorrhagic shock protocol will look at using Oxycyte for
preservation of systemic oxygenation in large porcine models.
"We are pleased that the Navy broadened the existing CRADA to include
additional indications for its preclinical studies with Oxycyte" said
Chris Stern, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Oxygen
Biotherapeutics. "If studies show that Oxycyte safely and effectively
carries oxygen to deprived organs quickly and, in the case of
decompression sickness, removes dangerous levels of nitrogen from
tissues, it may improve emergency medical responses to soldiers and
civilians facing traumatic injuries."
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== About Spinal Cord Injury and
Hemorrhagic Shock
Severe forms of decompression sickness include spinal cord injury,
possibly from gas bubbles causing direct tissue damage or obstruction
of blood supply to the spinal cord. An SCI is damage or trauma to the
spinal cord that results in a loss or impaired function causing
reduced mobility or feeling. Besides DCS, other causes of SCI are
trauma (i.e., vehicular accidents, gunshots, falls, sports injuries)
or disease (i.e., transverse myelitis, polio, spina bifida). The
spinal cord does not have to be severed in order for a loss of
functioning to occur. In most people with SCI, the spinal cord is
intact, but the cellular damage to it results in its loss of
Shock is a state of inadequate perfusion, which does not sustain the
physiologic needs of organ tissues. Many conditions, including blood
loss, but also including non-hemorrhagic states such as dehydration,
sepsis, impaired autoregulation, obstruction, decreased myocardial
function, and loss of autonomic tone, may produce shock or shock-like
states. In hemorrhagic shock, blood loss exceeds the body's ability
to compensate and provide adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation.
This frequently is due to trauma, but it may be caused by spontaneous
hemorrhage (eg, GI bleeding, childbirth), surgery, and other causes.
Most frequently, clinical hemorrhagic shock is caused by an acute
bleeding episode with a discrete precipitating event. Less commonly,
hemorrhagic shock may be seen in chronic conditions with subacute
blood loss.
About Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc.
Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc. is developing medical and cosmetic
products that efficiently deliver oxygen to tissues in the body. The
company has developed a proprietary perfluorocarbon (PFC) therapeutic
oxygen carrier and liquid ventilation product called Oxycyte that is
being formulated for both intravenous and topical delivery. This
year, the company launched its Dermacyte® line of oxygen-rich skin
care products. In addition, the company is focused on
perfluorocarbon-based oxygen carriers for use in traumatic brain
injury, decompression sickness, personal care, and topical wound
healing. More information is available at www.oxybiomed.com or
Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements by the
company that involve risks and uncertainties and reflect the
company's judgment as of the date of this release. These statements
include the expansion of research and development of the Oxycyte
product line and the timing of the introduction of those new
products. The forward-looking statements are subject to a number of
risks and uncertainties including matters beyond the companys
control that could lead to delays in new product introductions and
customer acceptance of these new products, and other risks and
uncertainties as described in our filings with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, including in the current report on Form 10-Q
filed on September 9, 2010. . The company disclaims any intent or
obligation to update these forward-looking statements beyond the date
of this release. This caution is made under the safe harbor
provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
end of announcement euro adhoc
ots Originaltext: Oxygen Biotherapeutics Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
For further Contact:
Ellen Corliss
Vice President, Corporate Communications
& Investor Relations
Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc
2530 Meridian Pkwy, 3rd floor
Durham, NC 27713
Direct Telephone: +1 919 855 2112
Direct Fax: +1 919 806 4417
Email: e.corliss@oxybiomed.com
Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: US69207P2092
WKN: 10728277
Index: SSIRT
Börsen: New York / Nasdaq
SIX Swiss Exchange / Main Standard
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- EANS-Adhoc: Oxygen Biotherapeutics und U.S. Navy vertiefen Zusammenarbeit
Ad-hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
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