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ElringKlinger setting a course for growth in North America

Geschrieben am 02-11-2006

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the content of this announcement.

Dettingen/Erms, November 02, 2006 +++ Automotive supplier
ElringKlinger has registered a high level of growth on the North
American market and the company has been able to substantially expand
its customer base on the continent in the last few months. Today,
besides Ford and GM, customers also include DaimlerChrysler, as well
as vehicle and engine manufacturers like International, Cummins,
Caterpillar, and Mack Truck.

ElringKlinger has booked order volumes of US-$ 41 million per annum
just since the beginning of 2006, all for contracts that are set to
go into production successively from the second half of 2007 until

Despite a difficult market situation in the USA, North America is, in
addition to Asia, one of the most important growth regions for the
automotive supplier. ElringKlinger increased sales revenue in the
first half of the year by 23% in both markets.

Stricter US emissions legislation is reflected in an increased need
for modern diesel technology especially for trucks and light trucks
as well as increasing requirements for exhaust aftertreatment
systems. Here, ElringKlinger is able to profit from a growing demand
for advanced cylinder head gasketing, cam cover modules and specialty
gasket systems for the exhaust tract. The company has registered
solid growth in North America with their products for thermal
shielding and further expanded its NAFTA site that produces heat
shields in Toluca, Mexico.

ElringKlinger sees potential in the increasing importance of diesel
engines for the US market. The sulfur-reduced Clean Diesel fuel that
has been available in the US since mid October, as well as diesel
engine development from various manufacturers, provide good
opportunities for diesel in the USA over the next few years.
Consistently high fuel prices are the reason why low-consumption
diesel is growing in popularity with American vehicle buyers.

Dr. Wolf, CEO and Chairman of the Board of ElringKlinger AG, foresees
lasting growth opportunities: "We want to do more than just acquire
new customers in North America - we also want to expand with new
product approaches dealing with reductions in emissions and
consumption, as well as alternative drive technologies. The fact that
we are able to do this in a difficult market situation pleases us all
the more."

In the 2005 financial year, the ElringKlinger Group achieved
worldwide sales revenues of EUR 474.6 million. In the 2006 financial
year, the company projects sales revenues to grow by 5 to 7% and
consolidated net income is expected to increase by 10 to 12%. In the
event that the favorable economic climate continues, ElringKlinger
expects to reach clearly the upper end of this range forecast. Start
of production for new products in the classic markets and the
expansion of business in new markets will be decisive factors for
this planned growth.

end of announcement euro adhoc 02.11.2006 15:30:00

ots Originaltext: ElringKlinger AG
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Further inquiry note:
Stephan Haas
Investor Relations Manager
Telefon: +49(0)7123 724-137

Branche: Automotive Equipment
ISIN: DE0007856023
WKN: 785602
Index: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / official dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / official dealing


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