euro adhoc: Century Casinos,Inc. / Sonstiges / Century Casinos gibt Ergebnis des dritten Quartals 2006 bekannt
Geschrieben am 09-11-2006 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ad hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Für das am 30. September 2006 endende dritte Quartal gab Century Casinos, Inc. (The NASDAQ Capital Market® und Wiener Börse: CNTY) heute eine Steigerung des Periodenüberschusses von 44,5% gegenüber der Vergleichsperiode 2005 bekannt. Der Periodenüberschuss betrug $1.851.000 (ca. EUR1.446.000), oder $0,08 (ca. EUR0,06) pro Aktie, verglichen mit $1.281.000 (ca. EUR1.001.000), bzw. $0,09 (ca. EUR0,07) pro Aktie, im am 30. September 2005 endenden dritten Quartal 2005. Die Anzahl der durchschnittlich im Umlauf befindlichen Aktien lag für das am 30. September 2006 endende Quartal bei 22.980.567 gegenüber 14.663.683 für die Vergleichsperiode 2005. Dies ist in erster Linie auf die Emission von 7.132.667 Aktien an der Wiener Börse im Oktober 2005 zurückzuführen. Die Casino-Erlöse stiegen, vor allem aufgrund der Akquisition einer 60%-Mehrheitsbeteiligung an einem Casino in Newcastle, Südafrika, am 1. April 2006, der Eröffnung des Casinos in Central City, Colorado, USA, am 11. Juli 2006 und der weiterhin guten Ergebnisse unseres Casinos in Caledon, nahe Kapstadt, Südafrika, um 66,2% bzw. $6.477.000 (ca. EUR5.074.000). Im Zusammenhang mit dem Verkauf einer Beteiligung an einem Projekt in Gauteng, Südafrika, brachte die Gesellschaft ca. $402.000 (ca. EUR314.000) eines bereits abgeschriebenen Darlehens wieder ein. Das bereinigte EBITDA* (earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation, amortization and minority interest) betrug für das dritte Quartal 2006 $3.940.000 (ca. EUR3.077.000) verglichen mit $2.789.000 (ca. EUR2.178.000) im dritten Quartal 2005, was einer Steigerung von 41, 3% entspricht.
Für das am 30. September 2006 endende dritte Quartal 2006 wies die Gesellschaft Nettoerlöse von $16.978.000 (ca. EUR13.261.000), bzw. eine 69,3% Steigerung gegenüber den in der Vergleichsperiode 2005 gemeldeten $10.030.000 (ca. EUR7.834.000), aus. Der operative Periodenüberschuss stieg um 37,1% und betrug $2.666.000 (ca. EUR2.082.000) im dritten Quartal 2006 gegenüber $ 1.945.000 (ca. EUR1.519.000) im dritten Quartal 2005.
Die ersten drei Quartale 2006 Für die am 30. September 2006 endenden ersten drei Quartale wies die Gesellschaft eine Steigerung der Nettoerlöse von 36,0%, von $28.166.000 (ca. EUR22.000.000) in den ersten drei Quartalen 2005 auf $38.313.000 (ca. EUR29.925.000) in den ersten drei Quartalen 2006, aus. Für die ersten drei Quartale 2006 meldete Century Casinos einen Anstieg des Periodenüberschusses um 74,2% auf $4.872.000 (ca. EUR3.805.000), oder $0,21 (ca. EUR0,164) pro Aktie, im Vergleich zu $2.797.000 (ca. EUR2.185.000), oder $0,20 (ca. EUR0,156) pro Aktie, für die am 30. September 2005 endenden ersten neuen Monate 2005. Die Anzahl der durchschnittlich im Umlauf befindlichen Aktien betrug für die ersten drei Quartale 2006 22.705.842 gegenüber 14.055.531 in der Vergleichsperiode 2005. Das bereinigte EBITDA* für die ersten drei Quartale 2006 erhöhte sich um 21,8% und betrug $8.546.000 (ca. EUR6.675.000) gegenüber $7.015.000 (ca. EUR5.479.000) in der Vergleichsperiode 2005. Die Steigerungen sind in erster Linie auf die Akquisition unseres neuen Casinos in Newcastle, Südafrika, gestiegene Zinseinnahmen und die Umlage von, vor der Eröffnung unseres Casinos in Central City, Colorado, USA angefallenen, Aufwendungen an unseren Minderheitspartner zurückzuführen.
Akquisitionen im dritten Quartal 2006 und neue Projekte Am 11. Juli 2006 eröffnete das Unternehmen sein bisher größtes Casino, das Century Casino in Central City, Colorado, USA. Daneben plant die Gesellschaft ihr neues Century Casino in Edmonton, Kanada, am 17. November 2006 und das neue Casino Resort für das Century Casino Newcastle, Südafrika, am 2. Dezember 2006 zu eröffnen.
Eine detailliertere Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals und der ersten neun Monate 2006 kann der englischsprachigen Pressemeldung im Anhang entnommen werden. Daneben steht ab 9. November eine Präsentation der Quartalsergebnisse auf unserer Website unter zur Verfügung.
Über Century Casinos, Inc.: Century Casinos, Inc. ist ein internationales Casinounternehmen mit Sitz in Delaware, USA. Die Gesellschaft besitzt und betreibt das Womacks Casino und Hotel in Cripple Creek, Colorado, sowie das Century Casino Millennium im Marriott Hotel in Prag, Tschechien. Weiters betreibt die Gesellschaft Casinos an Bord der Luxus-Kreuzfahrtschiffe Silver Wind, Silver Cloud, The World of ResidenSea, und den Schiffen von Oceania Cruises. Die Gesellschaft besitzt 65%, sowie einen Management - Vertrag, des Century Casino & Hotels in Central City, Colorado. Die Gesellschaft ist auch Eigentümer eines derzeit in Bau befindlichen Casino- und Hotelprojektes in Edmonton, Kanada. Über ihre Tochtergesellschaft Century Casinos Africa (Pty) Limited besitzt und betreibt die Gesellschaft das Caledon Hotel, Spa & Casino in der Nähe von Kapstadt, Südafrika und hält 60% an und erbringt technische Casinodienstleistungen für das Century Casino Newcastle in Newcastle, Südafrika. Weiters schloss das Unternehmen über seine österreichische Tochtergesellschaft, Century Casinos Europe GmbH, einen Vertrag über den Erwerb eines 33,3%-Anteils an Casinos Poland Ltd. ab. Das Inkrafttreten des Vertrages ist von einer Due Diligence - Prüfung und der Erfüllung bestimmter Vertragsbedingungen abhängig. Century Casinos, Inc. verfolgt laufend weitere internationale Casino-Projekte in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie unsere Homepage unter Die Aktien der Gesellschaft werden unter dem Tickersymbol CNTY am NASDAQ Capital Market® und im Prime Market Segment der Wiener Börse gehandelt.
CENTURY CASINOS REPORTS THIRD QUARTER 2006 EARNINGS COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, November 9, 2006 - For the quarter ended September 30, 2006, Century Casinos, Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market and the Vienna Stock Exchange: CNTY) increased net earnings by 44.5% compared to the same quarter in 2005. Net earnings were $1,851,000, or $0.08 per basic share, compared to net earnings of $1,281,000, or $0.09 per basic share for the quarter ended September 30, 2005. The average weighted number of common shares outstanding was 22,980,567 for the quarter ended September 30, 2006 compared to 14,663,683 for the same period in 2005, primarily due to the Company's public offering of 7,132,667 shares in October 2005. Casino revenue increased by $6,477,000 in the quarter ended September 30, 2006, or 66.2%, over the same 2005 period, primarily due to the acquisition of a 60% majority interest of a casino operation in Newcastle, South Africa on April 1, 2006, the opening of the casino in Central City, Colorado on July 11, 2006 and continued strong performance of our Caledon, South Africa subsidiary. In conjunction with the sale of our interest in a casino project located in Gauteng, South Africa, the Company recovered approximately $402,000 of previously written off loans. In addition, interest income increased $122,000 due to a higher level of cash on hand in the current period compared to the third quarter of 2005. Interest expense on non-capitalizable debt increased $668,000 primarily due to the interest charges on bank debt that funded the construction of the Central City, Colorado casino that opened in July 2006. Adjusted EBITDA* for the third quarter of 2006 was $3,940,000 compared to $2,789,000 in the third quarter of 2005, a 41.3% increase.
For the quarter ended September 30, 2006, the Company reported net operating revenue of $16,978,000, a 69.3% increase over the $10,030,000 reported in the same 2005 period. Total earnings from operations were $2,666,000 in the third quarter of 2006 compared to $1,945,000 in the third quarter of 2005, a 37.1% increase. On a company-wide basis, casino operating margins** for the quarter ended September 30, 2006 were 57.4% compared to 61.7% for the same period in 2005 primarily due to a one time cost associated with opening the casino in Central City, Colorado. On a company-wide basis, hotel, food and beverage ("F&B") operating margins** for the quarter ended September 30, 2006 were 14.0% compared to 41.3% for the same period in 2005 as a result of a $229,000 loss incurred in opening the operations at the casino in Central City, Colorado.
The Company reported a 36.0% increase in net operating revenue to $38,313,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 from $28,166,000 in the same 2005 period. For the nine months ended September 30, 2006, the Company reported net earnings of $4,872,000, or $0.21 per basic share, compared to net earnings of $2,797,000, or $0.20 per basic share for the nine months ended September 30, 2005, an increase of 74.2% in net earnings. The increase is primarily due to the acquisition of our new casino operation in Newcastle, South Africa, increased interest income and the allocation of pre-opening expenditures on our Central City, Colorado project to our minority partner. The average weighted number of common shares outstanding was 22,705,842 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 compared to 14,055,531 for the same period in 2005. Adjusted EBITDA* for the nine month period was $8,546,000 in 2006 compared to $7,015, the same 2005 period, a 21.8% increase.
Current Period Acquisitions and Other Recent Developments On July 11, 2006, we opened our largest casino operation to-date, the Century Casino in Central City, Colorado. The Company plans to open its Century Casino in Edmonton, Canada, on November 17, 2006 and the new facility for its Century Casino in Newcastle, South Africa, on December 2, 2006.
Caledon Three months ended September 30, 2006 vs. 2005 Caledon's casino revenue increased 3.9% to $3,728,000 for the third quarter of 2006 compared to $3,589,000 reported in the third quarter of 2005. A deterioration of the Rand quarter over quarter has had a significant impact on the results reported in dollars. Casino revenue, in Rand, increased by 14.8% to R26,773,000 compared to R23,322,000 in the third quarter of 2005 primarily from slot machine win. Casino expenses in Rand increased 11.3% from the third quarter of 2005 to the third quarter of 2006, a direct result of the growth in casino revenues. General and administrative expense for Caledon increased 20.0% to R5,010,000 in this quarter when compared to the third quarter of 2005. Casino operating margins**, excluding the effect in the Rand/Dollar conversion rate, were relatively flat for the three months ended September 30, 2006 when compared to the same period in 2005. Depreciation expense decreased R425,000 period over period. Net earnings in the third quarter of 2006 were $990,000 compared to $596,000 in the third quarter of 2005, or a 66.1% increase. Caledon's adjusted EBITDA* for the third quarter of 2006 was $1,821,000 compared to $1,598,000 in the third quarter of 2005, a 14.0% increase.
Nine months ended September 30, 2006 vs. 2005 Caledon's casino revenue increased by 8.7% during the first nine months of 2006 to $11,732,000 compared to $10,790,000 in 2005. The casino revenue, in Rand, increased by 14.3%, year over year. Casino expenses, in Rand, increased by R2,985,000, or 11.4% during the first nine months of 2006 compared to 2005. General and administrative expense for Caledon was R14,994,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and R11,856,000 for the same 2005 period, an increase of 26.5%, primarily the result of outsourcing the security service contracts, continued maintenance expenditures and an increase in gaming. Casino operating margins**, excluding the effect in the Rand/Dollar conversion rate, improved to 62.1% for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 from 61.1% for the same period in 2005. Net earnings for the first nine months of 2006 were $2,872,000 compared to $2,059,000 for the first nine months of 2005, a 39.5% increase. Caledon's adjusted EBITDA* for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 was $5,629,000 compared to $4,878,000 in the third quarter of 2005, a 15.4% increase.
Womacks Three months ended September 30, 2006 vs. 2005 Womacks' net operating revenue decreased to $4,730,000, or 5%, for the third quarter of 2006 compared to $4,984,000 reported for the same period in 2005. Total operating expenses decreased $282,000, or 8.4%, to $3,062,000 in the third quarter of 2006 from $3,344,000 in the third quarter of 2005, primarily the result of the decreased casino revenue and the removal of poor performing slot machines from the gaming floor, which reduced the amount of gaming related fees for the quarter. Casino operating margins** improved to 72.0% for the third quarter of 2006 compared to 66.9% for the same 2005 quarter. Net earnings reported for Womacks in the third quarter of 2006 were $966,000 compared to $1,101,000 in the third quarter of 2005, a 12.3% decrease. Womacks' adjusted EBITDA* for the third quarter of 2006 was $2,067,000 compared to $2,057,000 in the third quarter of 2005, an increase of less than 1%.
Nine months ended September 30, 2006 vs. 2005 Womacks' casino revenue was $13,768,000 for the first nine months of 2006 compared to $14,675,000 for the first nine months of 2005, a decrease of 6.2%. Casino expenses decreased 16.1% from $5,039,000 in the 2005 period to $4,227,000 in the 2006 period. General and administrative expenses increased $211,000 to $2,921,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 from $2,710,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2005. Depreciation was $1,211,000 compared to $1,290,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively. Casino operating margins** were 69.3% for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 compared to 65.7% for the same period in 2005. Net earnings reported for Womacks for the first nine months of 2006 were $2,135,000 compared to $2,428,000 for the first nine months of 2005, a 12.1% decrease. Womacks' adjusted EBITDA* for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 was $4,947,000 compared to $4,991,000 in the third quarter of 2005.
As previously mentioned, effective August 1, 2006, the Company hired Sam Cocharo as the new general manager of Womacks. Mr. Cocharo has over 14 years of casino management experience in the state of Colorado, most recently serving as an assistant general manager of a large casino in Black Hawk, Colorado. In addition, there were a number of other changes made in key management positions during the third quarter.
Newcastle, South Africa Three months ended September 30, 2006 For the three months ended September 30, 2006, net operating revenues at this facility were $1,891,000. Casino operating margins** were 60.2%, generally consistent with our other South Africa property. The Newcastle operation provided the Company with net earnings of $297,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2006. Newcastle's adjusted EBITDA* for the third quarter of 2006 was $607,000.
April 1, 2006 to September 30, 2006 As previously mentioned, on April 1, 2006, the Company acquired a 60% controlling interest in Century Casino Newcastle (previously named the Monte Vista Casino) located in Newcastle, South Africa. For the period April 1, 2006 through September 30, 2006, net operating revenues at this facility were $3,941,000. Casino operating margins** were 60.8%. The Newcastle operation provided the Company with net earnings of $567,000 for the period April 1, 2006 through September 30, 2006. Newcastle's adjusted EBITDA* for the period April 1, 2006 through September 30, 2006 was $1,293,000.
Central City, Colorado Three months ended September 30, 2006 For the three months ended September 30, 2006, net operating revenues at this facility were $4,688,000. Casino operating margins** were 45.8%, significantly below those achieved at our other Colorado property. The Central City operation reported a net loss of $405,000 for the quarter ended September 30, 2006. With the exception of certain one time opening expenses, the costs to operate the casino have been in line with our expectations, however, revenues are below what we have initially projected. Management has focused on the development of player club memberships, with results being better than expected. We now have approximately 33,000 active players in our player club database. Having built this data base through customer visits, management's marketing strategy will focus on direct marketing to the players in our database. Although revenues have not yet met our expectations, gaming revenue has grown consistently since opening and October gaming revenues is expected to be approximately 40% higher than the first full month of operation. A major factor to bring the costs in line with current revenue levels was a reduction in workforce from a high of 212 to 183 employees. Central City's adjusted EBITDA* for the third quarter of 2006 was $634,000.
The Company will post a slide show presentation of the results of operations for the third quarter of 2006 on its web site at on Thursday, November 9, 2006.
For The Three Months Ended September 30, 2006 2005 Operating Revenue: Casino $ 16,261 $ 9,784 Hotel, food and beverage 1,627 1,242 Other 298 186 18,186 11,212 Less promotional allowances 1,208 1,182 Net operating revenue 16,978 10,030 Operating Costs and Expenses: Casino 6,922 3,749 Hotel, food and beverage 1,399 729 General and administrative 5,118 2,760 Property write-downs and other write-offs, (420) - net of (recoveries) Depreciation and amortization 1,293 847 Total operating costs and expenses 14,312 8,085 (Loss) from Unconsolidated Subsidiary - - Earnings from Operations 2,666 1,945 Non-Operating Income (Expense): Interest income 156 34 Interest expense (1,320) (652) Other (expense) income, net (19) (3) Non-operating items from unconsolidated subsidiary - - Non-operating income (expense), net (1,183) (621) Earnings before Income Taxes and Minority 1,483 1,324 Interest (Benefit) Provision for income taxes (67) 492 Earnings before Minority Interest 1,550 832 Minority interest in subsidiary losses 301 449 Net Earnings $ 1,851 $ 1,281 Earnings Per Share: Basic $ 0.08 $ 0.09 Diluted $ 0.08 $ 0.08 For The Three Months Ended September 30, 2006 2005 Reconciliation to adjusted EBITDA* Net earnings $ 1,851 $ 1,281 Minority interest (301) (449) Interest income (156) (34) Interest expense 1,320 652 Income taxes (67) 492 Depreciation and amortization 1,293 847 Adjusted EBITDA* $ 3,940 2,789 CENTURY CASINOS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS (Unaudited)
Amounts in thousands, except for share information
For The Nine Months Ended September 30, 2006 2005 Operating Revenue: Casino $ 36,667 $ 27,572 Hotel, food and beverage 3,981 3,411 Other 758 557 41,406 31,540 Less promotional allowances 3,093 3,374 Net operating revenue 38,313 28,166 Operating Costs and Expenses: Casino 15,005 10,751 Hotel, food and beverage 2,800 2,084 General and administrative 12,667 8,235 Property write-downs and other write-offs, (405) (30) net of (recoveries) Depreciation and amortization 2,998 2,637 Total operating costs and expenses 33,065 23,677 (Loss) from Unconsolidated Subsidiary - (109) Earnings from Operations 5,248 4,380 Non-Operating Income (Expense): Interest income 595 122 Interest expense (1,777) (1,620) Other income, net 300 2 Non-operating items from unconsolidated - (4) subsidiary Non-operating income (expense), net (882) (1,500) Earnings before Income Taxes and Minority 4,366 2,880 Interest Provision for income taxes 394 638 Earnings before Minority Interest 3,972 2,242 Minority interest in subsidiary losses 900 555 Net Earnings $ 4,872 $ 2,797 Earnings Per Share: Basic $ 0.21 $ 0.20 Diluted $ 0.20 $ 0.17 For The Nine Months Ended September 30, 2006 2005 Reconciliation to adjusted EBITDA* Net earnings $ 4,872 $ 2,797 Minority interest (900) (555) Interest income (595) (122) Interest expense 1,777 1,620 Income taxes 394 638 Depreciation and amortization 2,998 2,637 Adjusted EBITDA* $ 8,546 $ 7,015 CENTURY CASINOS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Unaudited) Amounts in thousands September December 30, 31, 2006 2005 Assets Current Assets $ 36,748 $ 40,133 Other Assets 142,861 83,430 Total Assets $179,609 $123,563 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Current Liabilities 17,937 9,639 Non-Current Liabilities 66,681 22,593 Shareholders' Equity 94,991 91,331 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $ 179,609 123,563
*Adjusted EBITDA (Earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation, amortization and minority interest) is not considered a measure of performance recognized under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Management believes that adjusted EBITDA is a valuable measure of the relative performance among its operating segments. The gaming industry commonly uses adjusted EBITDA as a method of arriving at the economic value of a casino operation. Management uses adjusted EBITDA to compare the relative operating performance of separate operating units by eliminating the interest income, interest expense, income tax expense, depreciation, amortization and minority interest expense associated with the varying levels of capital expenditures for infrastructure required to generate revenue, and the often high cost of acquiring existing operations. EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) is used by our lending institutions to gauge operating performance. The Company's computation of Adjusted EBITDA may be different from, and therefore may not be comparable to, similar measures used by other companies.
**Casino operating margin and F&B operating margin (as defined above) are not considered measures of performance recognized under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Management uses both measures to evaluate the efficiency of its internal operations.
About Century Casinos, Inc: Century Casinos, Inc. is an international casino entertainment company that owns and operates Womacks Casino and Hotel in Cripple Creek, Colorado; owns and operates the Century Casino Millennium in the Marriott Hotel in Prague, Czech Republic; operates the casinos aboard the Silver Wind, Silver Cloud, The World of ResidenSea, and the vessels of Oceania Cruises; owns a 65% interest in, and has a management contract for, the Century Casino & Hotel in Central City, Colorado; and owns and has begun construction on a casino and hotel development in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Through its subsidiary Century Casinos Africa (Pty) Limited, it owns and operates The Caledon Hotel, Spa & Casino near Cape Town, South Africa and owns 60% of, and provides technical casino services to, Century Casino Newcastle, Newcastle, South Africa. Furthermore, the Company's Austrian subsidiary, Century Casinos Europe GmbH, entered into an agreement to acquire a 33.3% ownership interest in Casinos Poland Ltd. The closing of this transaction is subject to due diligence. The Company continues to pursue other international projects in various stages of development.
For more information about Century Casinos, visit our web site at Century Casinos' common stock trades on The NASDAQ Capital Market® and the Vienna Stock Exchange under the symbol CNTY.
This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Among the other important factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are economic, competitive, and governmental factors affecting the Company's operations, markets, services and prices, as well as other factors detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its recent filings on Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K. Century Casinos disclaims any obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement that may be made from time to time by it or on its behalf.
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc 09.11.2006 11:30:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Century Casinos,Inc. Im Internet recherchierbar:
Rückfragehinweis: Century Casinos Europe GmbH Mag. Peter Hötzinger, CO-CEO Tel.:0664/3553935
Branche: Glücksspiele ISIN: AT0000499900 WKN: Index: WBI Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Amtlicher Handel
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