
Atmel and SkyeTek Partner to Offer Industry Leading Secure RFID Technology

Geschrieben am 08-01-2007

San Jose, California and Westminster, Colorado (ots/PRNewswire) -

Atmel(R) Corporation (Nasdaq: ATML), a global leader in the
development and fabrication of advanced semiconductor solutions, and
SkyeTek, Inc., the leading provider of embedded RFID reader
technology, announced today they have entered into a technology
partnership. The combination of Atmel's advanced cryptographic RF
circuits, CryptoRF(R), and SkyeTek's Advanced Universal Reader
Architecture (AURA) will give customers one of the highest
performing, most secure HF reader / tag platforms available in the

"We selected SkyeTek because the company's Advanced Universal
Reader Architecture is a tremendous complement to our secure RFID
semiconductor technology," stated Kerry Maletsky, Crypto Products
Business Unit Director, Atmel. "The combination of CryptoRF and AURA
will allow Atmel to offer its customers the optimum combination of
security, performance, and investment protection that is at least one
generation ahead of the current HF marketplace."

The partnership between Atmel and SkyeTek will provide customers
with an ultra-secure option for embedded RFID applications. Resulting
solutions leverage CryptoRF's security features and the
enterprise-class reliability and price-performance of the SkyeTek
ReaderDNA and ReaderWare technology. This combination will provide
customers with the ability to adapt RFID technology into existing
applications and is well positioned to provide valuable solutions
addressing ePedigree, patient safety, consumables authentication,
item-level inventory management, and ticketing. SkyeTek's ReaderWare
also provides the capability to upgrade the reader to support future
tags, protocols, and cryptography via a firmware upgrade.

"Security and privacy have emerged as major factors in RFID
adoption," said Rob Balgley, CEO of SkyeTek. "As a result, customers
evaluating RFID-enabled applications today are looking beyond
existing HF technology for a solution that is capable of meeting the
critical needs of enterprise and internet class applications. The
solutions jointly developed by Atmel and SkyeTek as a result of this
partnership will ensure that customers will be able to meet the IT
industry's most stringent security standards without sacrificing

The agreement ensures support for Atmel's CryptoRF tag family in
SkyeTek's Advanced Universal Reader Architecture as well as an
upgrade of SkyeTek's ReaderWare and ReaderDNA, the key components of
AURA, optimized around Atmel silicon.

About Atmel

Atmel is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of
microcontrollers, advanced logic, mixed-signal, nonvolatile memory
and radio frequency (RF) components. Leveraging one of the industry's
broadest intellectual property (IP) technology portfolios, Atmel is
able to provide the electronics industry with complete system
solutions. Focused on consumer, industrial, security, communications,
computing and automotive markets, Atmel ICs can be found Everywhere
You Are(R) .

NOTE: Atmel(R), logo and combinations thereof, Everywhere You
Are(R), CryptoRF(R) and others, are registered trademarks, or
trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and
product names may be trademarks of others.

About SkyeTek, Inc.

SkyeTek, Inc. develops reader technology that enables the
pervasive adoption of RFID as an embedded product feature. Customers
use SkyeTek's technology to create new applications for their product
lines in areas such as anti-counterfeiting, configuration management,
consumables authentication, item-level inventory, patient safety,
patron management, contactless payment, and mobile data collection.
SkyeTek specifically designed AURA to serve as the multi-frequency,
universal reader architecture for embedded RFID applications. AURA's
common architecture disaggregates the RFID reader into a ReaderWare
software layer, optimized for broad tag support, reader intelligence
and easy application integration, and ReaderDNA hardware reference
designs, crafted to optimize read range / performance while
exploiting Moore's Law for gains in cost, space, and power
efficiency. SkyeTek offers its AURA-based products as either a
SkyeModule or ReaderWare license, which comes with access to
ReaderDNA. Customers using SkyeTek represent numerous vertical
markets and range from mid-market companies to Fortune 500
corporations. Based in Westminster, Colo., SkyeTek sells exclusively
through OEMs, systems integrators, and distributors. For more
information about SkyeTek, visit www.skyetek.com or call


Atmel's CryptoRF product information may be retrieved at
http://www.atmel.com/products/SecureRF/ .

SkyeTek's product information may be retrieved at

Contact: Sharon Harnisch, Marketing Communications Manager,
+1-719-540-1723, or sharnisch@cso.atmel.com, or Helen Perlegos,
Public Relations, USA and Asia Pacific Rim, +1-408-487-2963, or
hperlegos@atmel.com, or Veronique Sablereau, Corporate Communications
Manager, Europe, +33-1-30-60-70-68, or fax, +49-71-31-67-24-23, or
veronique.sablereau@atmel.com, all of Atmel; or Martin Payne, VP
Marketing of SkyeTek, +303-615-8019, or Martin.Payne@skyetek.com.

Web site: http://www.skyetek.com
Web site: http://www.atmel.com

ots Originaltext: Atmel Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Sharon Harnisch, Marketing Communications Manager, +1-719-540-1723,
or sharnisch@cso.atmel.com, or Helen Perlegos, Public Relations, USA
and Asia Pacific Rim, +1-408-487-2963, or hperlegos@atmel.com, or
Veronique Sablereau, Corporate Communications Manager, Europe,
+33-1-30-60-70-68, or fax, +49-71-31-67-24-23, or
veronique.sablereau@atmel.com, all of Atmel; or Martin Payne, VP
Marketing of SkyeTek, +303-615-8019, or Martin.Payne@skyetek.com


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