euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG / other / ROSENBAUER GROUP - INTERIM FIGURES FOR 2006 . Recent years' growth trend sustained . New revenue and result records . Revenues up 15 % to EUR 370 M
Geschrieben am 28-02-2007 |
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Interim figures 2006
The Rosenbauer Group continued to expand last year, achieving a substantial increase in business volume. Group revenues rose to EUR 370.0 Mio (2005: EUR 321.3 Mio), the highest figure ever. Export sales from Austria, stepped-up shipments of aerial appliances from Karlsruhe, increased sales volumes on the Spanish market and continued growth in the Groups US business were all key drivers here.
A 28 % improvement was achieved over the previous years operating result, taking 2006 EBIT to EUR 25.1 Mio (2005: EUR 19.6 Mio). The international export successes from Austria, the turnaround at Metz Aerials and the huge increases in output all made major contributions to this improvement.
This positive development was driven by new products, by significant gains in market share in international and US business, and by ongoing increases in productivity.
At EUR 485.9 Mio (2005: EUR 377.0 Mio), the volume of order intake in 2006 was well above the level of the past two years. This has led to a great increase in capacity utilisation during the current financial year. Another new record notched up in 2006 was for order backlog at the year-end, totalling EUR 354.1 Mio as against EUR 243.1 Mio in 2005.
|Key figures | |2006 (interim) |2005 | |Revenue |EUR Mio |370.0 |321.3 | |EBIT |EUR Mio |25.1 |19.6 | |EBT |EUR Mio |21.8 |15.9 | |Employees | |1,452 |1,407 | |Order intake |EUR Mio |485.9 |377.0 | |Order backlog as at Dec 31 |EUR Mio |354.1 |243.1 | The figures given here are based on an IFRS-compliant accounting forecast. The final figures for the 2006 financial year are to be announced on April 27, 2007.
end of announcement euro adhoc 28.02.2007 07:30:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Rosenbauer International AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note: Rosenbauer International AG Gerda Königstorfer Tel.: 0043 732/6794-568
Branche: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT0000922554 WKN: 892502 Index: WBI, ATX Prime Börsen: Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade Wiener Börse AG / official dealing
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