So. - 9 März, 2025  · Gäste: 1577 Mitglieder: 1

Starfield Resources Retains Leading Investor Relations Firm

Geschrieben am 31-03-2006

Toronto (ots/PRNewswire) - Starfield Resources Inc. ("Starfield"
or "the Company") (TSX-V: SRU) (OTC BB: SRFDF) today announced that
it has retained The Equicom Group Inc. ("Equicom") to provide the
Company with strategic investor relations and financial
communications services.

Equicom provides strategic communications services to more than 80
Canadian public companies across a diverse range of industries.
Starfield will pay Equicom a monthly retainer fee of CND7,500 for
select services. The initial contract term is for 12 months. Equicom
does not have an ownership interest, directly or indirectly, in
Starfield or its securities. Equicom is an employee owned firm whose
principals include Barry Hildred, President and Jason Hogan,
Executive Vice President.

About Starfield

Starfield is an advanced exploration and development company
focused on its Ferguson Lake Copper-Nickel-Cobalt-Palladium-Platinum
property located in Nunavut, Canada. The Ferguson Lake property
covers more than 1,202,000 acres and is 100% owned. Starfield has
completed 234 diamond drill holes (over 92,000 metres) and expects to
announce new resource estimates, geostatistical evaluations, and
scoping study results in the first half of 2006. A developing feature
of the mineral district is the significant discovery of high grade
platinum and palladium mineralisation found in the footwall to the
massive sulphide deposit. Starfield's Ferguson Lake Project is
unfolding as Nunavut's largest ongoing base and precious metal

About Equicom

Headquartered in Toronto, with offices in Montreal and Calgary,
The Equicom Group is Canada's leading Investor Relations consulting
firm. With proven expertise in developing and executing highly
effective strategic communications programs, and an extensive network
of investment community contacts, Equicom specialises in helping
clients achieve their capital markets objectives. Equicom offers a
comprehensive suite of services including: investor relations, media
relations, annual report production, multimedia and web design, web
casting, live event management and corporate branding. For further
information, please visit


ots Originaltext: Starfield Resources Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar:

For further information: Starfield Resources Inc., Glen J. Indra,
President & CEO, Tel: +1-604-608-0400, Email:; The Equicom Group Inc., Michael Joyner,
Tel: +1-416-815-0700 ext.275, Email:


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