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euro adhoc: ComputerLinks AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / Record results for COMPUTERLINKS - Optimum conditions for 2007

Geschrieben am 14-03-2007

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.

annual report


2006 was the most successful year in the history of the COMPUTERLINKS
company. All the key figures showed significant growth rates compared
to the previous year. Group turnover increased by 42% to 396.7
million Euro (same period last year: 279.4 million Euro). EBITDA
(earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) rose
from 13.0 million Euro in 2005 to 16.3 million Euro in 2006 (+25.4%).
As a result of improved financial result compared to the previous
year EBT (earnings before tax) in the past year increased to 15.3
million Euro compared to 11.1 million Euro in 2005 (+38.1%). EPS
(earnings per share) adjusted for special effects stood at 1.41 Euro*
in 2006 (previous year: 1.09 Euro).

The significant rise in profitability combined with an improved
working capital structure produced positive operating cash flow of
13.6 million Euro in 2006. The Board of Management and Supervisory
Board are proposing to the Annual General Meeting in 2007 that a
dividend of 0.37 Euro per share be distributed for the year 2006.

Gross profit was 55.6 million Euro in the past year compared with
42.9 million Euro in 2005. Gross margins went up from 14.0% in the
first quarter to 14.3% in the second quarter, remaining at 14.3% in
the third quarter and slipping to 13.7% in the fourth quarter. A
slight improvement was achieved in the fourth quarter of 2006 with
gross margins of 13.7% compared to 13.6% in the fourth quarter of
2005, so that the trend towards stabilisation has continued with
gross margins showing a small recovery.

Personnel costs and other net operating expenses/earnings were also
further reduced in relation to turnover from 10.7% in 2005 to 9.9% in

On a quarterly basis the COMPUTERLINKS Group achieved record turnover
of over 130 million Euro and EBITDA of almost 7 million Euro in the
fourth quarter of 2006, which therefore proved to be the best quarter
in the company's history.

Issuer's information/explanantory remarks regarding this ad hoc

Stephan Link, founder and CEO of COMPUTERLINKS AG, stated: "We can
look back on the most successful fiscal year in our company's
history. The COMPUTERLINKS Group is now successfully represented in
12 European countries and in North America. The size of our turnover,
our profitability and our strong reputation amongst customers and
manufacturers offer the best evidence of our leading market position.

At the beginning of 2007 we set up COMPUTERLINKS Australia based in
Sydney. Currently we cannot pursue our planned acquisition in Spain
for the time being (Mambo Technology Sociedad Limitada) owing to tax
risks for Spanish distribution models. We are assessing opportunities
in the Middle East for further market expansion.

The COMPUTERLINKS Group is well positioned to meet the challenges of

At a glance (in million Euro)

| |01.01.-31.12.06 |01.01.-31.12.05 |Change in %** |
|Turnover |396.7 |279.4 |+42.0 |
|EBITDA |16.3 |13.0 |+25.4 |
|EBT |15.3 |11.1 |+38.1 |
|Net income for |8.8 |7.0 |+26.5 |
|the year | | | |
|Earnings per |1.31* |1.09 |+20.4 |
|share in EUR | | | |

* Previously capitalised deferred taxes (in connection with tax
losses carried forward of COMPUTERLINKS France) were reduced by 0.4
million Euro in 2006. No new deferred taxes were capitalised for
the losses of COMPUTERLINKS France which were incurred in 2006.
This resulted in a tax ratio of 42.4% in the Group in 2006 (without
special effects: approximately 38%) and additional one- off tax
expenditure of approximately 0.7 million Euro. The EPS net of this
tax expenditure in 2006 is 1.41 Euro

** The percentage changes are based on values which have not been
rounded off.

This press release can be accessed under

end of announcement euro adhoc 14.03.2007 07:29:16

ots Originaltext: ComputerLinks AG
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:
Bettina Zollner
Tel.: +49(0)89 93099-174

Branche: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: DE0005448807
WKN: 544880
Index: Nemax 50, CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade


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