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Nordex expands profitably

Geschrieben am 20-03-2007

Revenues up 66% / EUR 16.6 million EBIT

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the content of this announcement.

balance/preliminary financial statement 2006

Norderstedt (euro adhoc) - According to its preliminary financial
statements for fiscal 2006, the Nordex Group ((ISIN: DE000A0D6554)
has increased its revenues by 66 per cent to EUR 514 million
(previous year: EUR 309 million). Total revenues rose by as much as
73 per cent to EUR 552 million (previous year: EUR 319 million). This
makes it the second year in succession that the Company has grown
faster than the market. Global sales of wind turbines grew by "mere"
33 per cent over the same period. The trend in new business was even
stronger for the Nordex Group. Order receipts in fiscal 2006 doubled
to EUR 767 million (previous year: EUR 395 million). This performance
was influenced primarily by the strong demand from abroad. The
proportion accounted for by foreign revenues rose from 62 to 86 per
cent. The backlog of firm and conditional orders increased to around
EUR 1.2 billion on the balance sheet date, meaning that new orders
provide work for 15 months.

Operating profit (EBIT) improved considerably to EUR 16.6 million
(previous year: EUR - 5.3 million). With ROS of 3.2 per cent, Nordex
was well on target to meet projections. The main reason for the
improvement in earnings was higher capacity utilisation. Net income
rose to EUR 12.6 million (previous year: EUR -8.2 million). The
balance-sheet structure has again improved. The equity ratio
increased to 32 per cent as at 31 December 2006 (31 Dec. 2005: 27%)
and liquidity improved from EUR 19.5 to EUR 132 million as at the
balance sheet date. This was attributable principally to the increase
in capital in May 2006 and the high down-payments received. The
working capital ratio contracted to 2.8 per cent (31 Dec. 2005:
14.5%) among others influenced by reservation fees for future
projects of around EUR 45 million.

This year Nordex plans to increase revenues by around 50 per cent to
more than EUR 750 million. At the same time the operating result
(EBIT) is due to treble to around EUR 50 million. This effect on
earnings was caused by the completion of projects with higher
contributions to profits and a further improvement in capacity
utilisation. This year Nordex intends to increase its German
production capacity to around 1,000 MW full-year capacity in order to
be able to realise one billion euros in revenues and a further
increase in earnings in fiscal 2008. In addition to this, higher
capital spending on the development of new products is planned. This
relates above all to the extension of the N80/N90 multi-megawatt
series, which is one of the best-selling turbines in its class.

end of announcement euro adhoc 20.03.2007 08:21:08

ots Originaltext: Nordex
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:
Ralf Peters
Tel.: +49 (0)40 50098 522

Branche: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE000A0D6554
WKN: A0D655
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade


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