euro adhoc: ComBOTS AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / ComBOTS AG: Publication of the Consolidated Financial Statements 2006
Geschrieben am 27-03-2007 |
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annual report
Karlsruhe/Germany, March 27, 2007 - ComBOTS AG (ISIN: DE000CMBT111) today released its Consolidated Financial Statements for fiscal year 2006.
Fiscal year 2006 was characterized by the premiere of ComBOTS' next generation communication tool mid-year and the intensive forward-looking investments in both business and product development as well as performing the public beta phase. These upfront investments have been effected for the step-by-step market launch of the service as well as the company's organization and infrastructure. ComBOTS now turned to normal operation. With its newly launched 1.0 version of its communication service including a broad portfolio of new features and contents the company now enters the next phase of market introduction.
Following the extraordinary efforts in Q2 and Q3 to deliver the new service, ComBOTS AG had projected a normalization of the cost base in Q4 of 2006. Indeed, the net loss decreased quarter-to-quarter by 36% to 7.9 million Euro. For the full year 2006, the investments into the product, the completion of the network and server infrastructure, as well as the setup of the organization resulted in earnings before tax of -35 million Euro, including fully expensed R&D-investments of 31 million Euro.
This result compares to an unrealized gain in the market value of its United Internet shareholding by 102 million Euro or 54% during the same period, further strengthening the substance of the company. Liquid assets for the year ended December 31, 2006, amounted to 463 million Euro (Year-end 2005: 439 million Euro). These funds break down into 173 million Euro in cash and equivalents as well as 290 million Euro for the 9.3% share in United Internet AG. See the table below for further details on the key financial figures for fiscal year 2006.
Taking into account the upcoming challenges relating to the broad distribution of the ComBOTS product and, in addition, the currently unforeseeable financing requirements for the planned international expansion, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board propose to the Annual Shareholder Meeting the balance sheet profits to be carried forward completely on new accounts to provide a solid base for consistent utilization of the market opportunities resulting from the development of our product.
|In million Euro |FY 2006 |FY 2005 | |Revenues | 0.0 | 0.6 | |Marketing and |(6.8) |(0.7) | |advertising | | | |General administration |(5.3) |(4.0) | |costs | | | |Research and |(31.0) |(13.1) | |development | | | |Operating result |(43.1) |(17.3) | |Financial income | 7.0 | 4.6 | |Financial expenses |(0.6) |(0.6) | |Net result for the year|(33.3) |273.1 | |Net result for the year|(0.93) |7.60 | |per share, in Euro | | | |Liquid funds and other |462.7 |439.0 | |securities | | | |Shareholders' equity |488.5 |428.9 | |Balance sheet total |562.5 |476.7 |
Additional information:
For further information, please visit where the detailed Annual Report 2006 is available including a letter to the shareholders from chairman and founder Michael Greve.
end of announcement euro adhoc 27.03.2007 07:30:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: ComBOTS AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note: Contacts @ ComBOTS:
For Analysts and Investors:
Silvia Teschner Investor Relations Tel. +49 721 5160 2701
For Press and Media:
Oliver Schwartz Corporate Communications Tel. +49 721 5160 2222
Branche: Online ISIN: DE000CMBT111 WKN: CMBT11 Index: Prime All Share, CDAX, Technologie All Share Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade Bayerische Börse / free trade
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