euro adhoc: PANDATEL AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / Pandatel announces annual figures for fiscal year 2006
Geschrieben am 28-03-2007 |
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annual report
Hanover, PANDATEL AG (ISIN DE0006916307), listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (General Standard). In fiscal year 2006, PANDATEL generated sales of Euro 9.1m compared to Euro 12.8m in fiscal year 2005. Sales are in line with forecasts made in mid 2006. EBT increased from Euro minus 15.1m 2005 to Euro minus 6.3m 2006. Cash position amounted to Euro 2.3m at 31 December 2006 (Euro 5.1m at 31 December 2005). In addition, short term investments totaled Euro 2.9m (Euro 2.9m at 31 December 2005). The decrease in cash is especially attributable to executing the social plan (Euro 2.0m) and the cash outflow associated with exiting the former rental agreement for Hamburg locations (Euro 0.8m). No significant operational cash flow before these extraordinary items exists and PANDATEL expects sales of Euro 7.1m in 2007.
Dowslake Venture Ltd. and the management, now serving the company for one year, concentrated mainly on preserving financial resources and minimizing losses. Mainly, the measures included the company's production transfer to China, adapting the number of employees to the expected sales and streamlining the product portfolio.
The company will present additional figures in its annual report 2006 to be published shortly.
About PANDATEL AG: PANDATEL is a German corporation based in Hanover. PANDATEL was formed in 1987 as Pan Dacom Telekommunikation GmbH. It went public at Frankfurt stock exchange in November 1999. Majority shareholder is Dowslake Venture Ltd. with Dr. Dan D. Yang as CEO. In March 2006, Dr. Yang became also CEO of PANDATEL AG. PANDATEL is specialized in Ethernet technologies. For further information please visit
end of announcement euro adhoc 28.03.2007 17:34:03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Further inquiry note: insignis GmbH, Agency for Communication Raik Packeiser Berliner Allee 9 - 11 30175 Hanover, Germany Phone: .+49 511 33 65 15 31 Fax +49 511 33 65 15 33 Email
Branche: Telecommunications Equipment ISIN: DE0006916307 WKN: 691630 Index: Prime All Share Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade Bayerische Börse / free trade
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