
euro adhoc: AvW Invest AG / other / AvW Invest AG raises profit expectations for 2007

Geschrieben am 16-04-2007

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.


Considerable increases in core business in first quarter

AvW INVEST AG is raising its profit expectations for the business
year 2007, on the basis of a significant increase in the first
quarter in the core areas of the Austrian financial group, i.e.
financing and equity participations. There has been a huge expansion
in the derivatives business in particular: in 2006 total receipts of
EUR 1.45 million were recorded, while in the first three months of
the current business year there has been a disproportionate
development in this figure to over EUR 3 million. For the Chairman
of AvW’s Board of Management, Wolfgang Auer von Welsbach, this result
forms the basis for a positive profits forecast: "Last year, in a
long term analysis, we forecast a profit of EUR 4 per share for 2010
- now this target is already within our grasp in the present business
year. In the light of our strong performance in the expected first
quarter, following a profit per share of EUR 2.61 in 2006, we are
looking at a 50 % increase in profit in 2007 to between EUR 3.80 and

Increased demand for AvW shares on the Vienna stock exchange In
response to the strong interest being shown in AvW shares, Wolfgang
Auer von Welsbach has placed on the Vienna stock exchange around
24,000 shares (corresponding to about 1 % of the share capital) taken
from the portfolio of companies directly or indirectly owned by him.
In his view there are several reasons for the increased demand for
AvW stock - on the one hand there is a marked inclination to invest
in small caps in the currently favourable stock market situation, and
also there is a high dividend to be expected for the first time in
May, in addition to AvW’s good growth prospects. "Also the liquidity
of the share has clearly profited from this decision," says Wolfgang
Auer von Welsbach, "as is evident from the increased daily turnover
on the Vienna stock exchange."

At the beginning of May AvW is to enter into a new participation with
a finance company on the Frankfurt stock exchange. The figures for
the first quarter of 2007 will be announced on 22 May.

About AvW INVEST AG The Austrian company, which has its registered
office in Krumpendorf on Lake Wörthersee, specialises in the fields
of financial services, equity participations and real estate. AvW
shares are listed on the Vienna stock exchange on the ATX Prime
Market (ISIN number: AT0000930409, Reuters: AVWI.VI, XETRA Vienna:
AWS). More information about AvW can be found on the Internet at

end of announcement euro adhoc 16.04.2007 08:25:38

ots Originaltext: AvW Invest AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:
Nicole Kahn
Investor Relations
Tel.: 04229/3621-25

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000930409
WKN: 892661
Index: Prime.market
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing


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