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euro adhoc: Österreichische Post AG / Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers / Austrian Post joins consortium taking over BAWAG P.S.K.

Geschrieben am 15-05-2007

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.

Company Information


Austrian Post AG has signed a consortium agreement together with the
other partners of the consortium yesterday, namely Cerberus, Generali
Versicherung, Bausparkasse Wüstenrot as well as a group of private
investors. Henceforth, Austrian Post forms part of the

This agreement provides for the acquisition of 100% of BAWAG P.S.K.'s
shares by the consortium. In its new position as owner of BAWAG
P.S.K., Austrian Post is entitled to delegate one member to BAWAG
P.S.K.'s supervisory board. Austrian Post will acquire a share of 5%
of this consortium. The consortium partners have agreed to keep the
purchase price confidential.

Austrian Post regards this investment as an opportunity for a
profitable and value-oriented investment as well as an opportunity
for an accelerated joint growth strategy.

In the course of negotiations with BAWAG P.S.K. the existing
cooperation agreement for the distribution of financial services
through the nationwide network of 1,334 post branch offices was
extended for three years until 2015. In 2006, Austrian Post generated
commission income in the amount of approximately EUR 97 million from
the distribution of financial service products for BAWAG P.S.K.. Both
companies are determined to now strengthen the distribution through
Austrian Post's network.

"BAWAG P.S.K.'s new owner will provide us with the opportunity to
make the Austrian retail-market for financial services even more
attractive in the future", says chairman of the board, Anton Wais.

The responsibilities between Austrian Post and BAWAG P.S.K. regarding
the operative management of the distribution through the post branch
offices have been re-adjusted. BAWAG P.S.K. will provide technical
know-how; Austrian Post will be responsible for the employees. The
ideal mix of products to be distributed through the post-network will
be from now on determined jointly.

end of announcement euro adhoc 15.05.2007 08:47:11

ots Originaltext: Österreichische Post AG
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:
Austrian Post
Investor Relations:
Harald Hagenauer
Tel.: +43(1)515 51-30401

Public Relations:
Michael Homola
Tel.: +43(1)515 51-32010

Branche: Transport
Index: ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / stock market


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