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euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG / quarterly or semiannual financial statement / . Revenue with 76.0 m EUR and EBIT with 1.7 m EUR at the expected level . New record level of the order intake w

Geschrieben am 24-05-2007

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.

quaterly report/ROSENBAUER GROUP: First Quarter 2007


|KEY FIGURES | |1-3/2007 |1-3/2006 |
|Revenue |in m EUR|76.0 |61.8 |
|EBIT |in m EUR|1.7 |1.1 |
|EBT |in m EUR|0.5 |0.3 |
|Consolidated profit |in m EUR|0.4 |0.3 |
|Cash flow from operating activities |in m EUR|(25.7) |(17.2) |
|Investments |in m EUR|1.9 |2.7 |
|Earnings per share |EUR |(0.3) |(0.3) |
|Employees (average) | |1,493 |1,413 |
|Employees (March 31) | |1,545 |1,409 |
|Order intake |in m EUR|126.3 |109.5 |
|Order backlog as at March 31 |in m EUR|397.6 |292.6 |

In this period, the Group's revenues and result were above the levels seen in
previous years, despite the deferral of some shipments into the second quarter.
Most shipments in the fire equipment sector tend to take place in the second
half of the year, meaning that typically, the lion's share of both revenues and
the result is also not earned until the last few months of the financial year.

Revenues, orders and earnings situation
The Rosenbauer Group boosted its revenues by 23% in the first quarter of 2007,
to 76.0 m EUR (1-3/2006: 61.8 m EUR). Revenues at the Austrian companies -
notably at the export-orientated Rosenbauer International AG - rose by 32% on
the back of stepped-up shipments, to reach 42.6 m EUR (1-3/2006: 32.3 m EUR).
Despite the non-recurrence of a one-off major order fulfilled last year,
revenues at the Group's US companies remained at the same level as last year,
at 24.0 m EUR (1-3/2006: 25.3 m EUR). The German segment managed to increase its
revenues to 12.0 m EUR (1-3/2006: 9.0 m EUR). The Group's companies in Spain,
Switzerland and Singapore also posted higher revenues in the first three months
of this year.

The operating result (EBIT) rose to 1.7 m EUR (1-3/2006: 1.1 m EUR).
At 1.7 m EUR, the biggest contribution to the result was made by the
American companies (1-3/2006: 1.7 m EUR), followed by Rosenbauer
International AG, with its strong export-sales orientation, at 1.4 m
EUR (1-3/2006: 0.8 m EUR). Owing to the structure of their shipments
in the period under review, the German companies were still unable to
post a satisfactory result (1-3/2007: -1.8 m EUR; 1-3/2006: -1.5 m

The increased financing requirements and the upward interest-rate
trend caused the finance result to deteriorate to -1.1 m EUR
(1-3/2006: -0.8 m EUR). The result from the joint venture in China
came to -0.1 m EUR (1-3/2006: 0.0 m EUR). This took EBT for the first
quarter of this year to 0.5 m EUR (1-3/2006: 0.3 m EUR).

At 126.3 m EUR (1-3/2006: 109.5 m EUR), order intake in the Group
once again reached a record level in the first three months, almost
doubling since the first quarter of 2005. This increase is mainly due
to international project business. The order backlog as at March 31,
2007 climbed to 397.6 m EUR (March 31, 2006: 292.6 m EUR). The result
is a continuation of the high levels of capacity utilization in all
the Group's production companies.

Outlook In the light of the record order book levels - and on the
assumption that the high shipment volumes can be fulfilled according
to plan - Management expects the current year to bring continued top
and bottom-line growth.

end of announcement euro adhoc 24.05.2007 07:30:00

ots Originaltext: Rosenbauer International AG
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Further inquiry note:
Gerda Königstorfer, Investor Relations, Spokesperson
Phone: +43 732 6794-568
Mobile: +43 664 4547636

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
WKN: 892502
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing


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