
aleo solar AG wins new orders in Germany worth over EUR 20 million

Geschrieben am 26-06-2007

Intersolar trade fair closes with very strong demand

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the content of this announcement.


Oldenburg/Prenzlau (euro adhoc) - aleo solar AG can report firm new
orders and the expansion of existing orders in Germany for 2007: aleo
modules totalling EUR 20 million have been ordered by specialist
dealers and fitters. Roof-mounted installations in particular will be
built because these receive the highest subsidies in Germany. aleo
solar can significantly expand its current customer base of 200
specialist dealers and fitters in Germany. aleo solar AG´s total
national order volume for 2007 is thus set to increase to approx. EUR
55 million.

Uwe Bögershausen, a member of aleo solar AG´s Management Board, is
confident: "Business is extremely satisfactory. Q1 was very good for
us: we increased revenue by 44.8% to EUR 37.2 million. Module prices
are stable and the continued high demand - including for the newly
launched premium module S_24 - clearly shows us that our quality
modules are highly valued on our home market".

Intersolar, Europe´s largest solar technology trade fair, closed its
doors in Freiburg at the weekend and Heiner Willers, a member of aleo
solar AG´s Management Board, is upbeat: "Intersolar has emerged as a
key event in the solar industry, both nationally and internationally.
Discussions with our fitters and specialist dealers have demonstrated
that quality, excellent service and close cooperation through
partnerships are valued and sought-after. aleo solar focuses on
quality that comes at a price. Strong demand both in Germany and
abroad confirms that this strategic approach is working".

Germany remains the world leader in photovoltaic systems as far as
annual newly installed output is concerned, so the fact that aleo
solar AG has expanded its production capacity at the Prenzlau
location to 180 megawatts makes good strategic sense.


The Company

aleo solar AG, with sales operations in Oldenburg (Lower Saxony) and
manufacturing facilities in Prenzlau (Brandenburg), was formed in
September 2001 and produces solar modules using silicon cells. Its
facility in Prenzlau has an annual capacity of 90 megawatts, making
it one of the largest production plants for solar modules. At the
beginning of 2007, production also started in Santa María de
Palautordera (Spain) with an annual capacity of 10 MW. The Company
generated revenue of EUR 130.4 million in 2006 with around 320 staff.
Since July 2006, aleo solar AG (DE000A0JM634) has been listed in the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange´s Prime Standard. The Company´s acquisition
of an equity interest in the Brandenburg-based technology enterprise
Johanna Solar Technology GmbH has given it access to the promising
future technique of thin-film technology.

end of announcement euro adhoc 26.06.2007 07:57:38

ots Originaltext: aleo solar AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:
Franz Nieper or Yvonne Meyer
Investor Relations, Legal & Compliance
Tel.: +49 441-21988-77
E-Mail: Invest@aleo-solar.de

Branche: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE000A0JM634
Index: CDAX, Technologie All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / official dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Hamburg / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse München / free trade


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