euro adhoc: ComBOTS AG / Release of a voting rights announcement according to article 26, section 1.1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution
Geschrieben am 15-08-2007 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Person/company obliged to make the notification: ------------------------------------------------ Name: HBK Management LLC, HBK Partners II L.P., HBK Investments L.P., HBK Services LLC, HBK New York LLC, HBK Master Fund L.P., HBK Offshore Fund Ltd., HBK Fund L.P, HBK Capital L.P., HBK Partners I L.P. Place: Wilmington, George Town, Grand Cayman State: USA, Cayman Islands
Company data: ------------- Name: ComBOTS AG Address: Amalienbadstr. 41, 76227 Karlsruhe Place: Karlsruhe State: Germany
Release of a voting rights announcement according to article 26, section 1.1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act)
The Reporting Persons
1. HBK Management LLC, Wilmington, USA, 2. HBK Partners II L.P., Wilmington, USA, 3. HBK Investments L.P., Wilmington, USA, 4. HBK Services LLC, Wilmington, USA, 5. HBK New York LLC, Wilmington, USA, 6. HBK Master Fund L.P., George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 7. HBK Offshore Fund Ltd., George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, 8. HBK Fund L.P., Wilmington, USA, 9. HBK Capital L.P., Wilmington, USA, 10. HBK Partners I L.P., Wilmington, USA,
informed our company on August 15, 2007 of the following:
"On August 8, 2007, ComBOTS AG redeemed 3,794,922 shares from its own stock (= 9.87% of the share capital). The number of shares of ComBOTS AG was reduced from 38,443,775 to 34,651,453 (Ad-hoc announcement of ComBOTS AG dated as of August 8, 2007).
(1) On August 8, 2007, the Reporting Person under 6 passed the threshold of 5 percent of the voting rights in ComBOTS AG, Amalienbadstraße 41, 76227 Karlsruhe. The Reporting Person under 6 held on that date 1,845,317 voting rights of the total of 34,651,453 voting rights in ComBOTS AG; this equals a share of 5.32 percent of all voting rights.
(2) On August 8, 2007, each of the Reporting Persons under 1-5 and 7-10 held on that date 1,845,317 voting rights for total 34,651,453 voting rights in ComBOTS AG; this equals the share of 5.32 percent of all voting rights.
5.32 percent of these voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 1 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in connection with Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 2 WpHG via the Reporting Persons under 2-5 and pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG via the Reporting Persons under 7-10 from the Reporting Person under 6.
5.32 percent of the voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 2 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 in connection with Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 2 WpHG via the Reporting Persons under 3-5 from the Reporting Person under 6.
5.32 percent of the voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 4 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 WpHG (pursuant to delegated authority) via the Reporting Person under 3 from the Reporting Person under 6.
5.32 percent of the voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 5 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 6 WpHG (pursuant to delegated authority) via the Reporting Persons under 4 and 3 from the Reporting Person under 6.
5.32 percent of the voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Persons under 7 and 8 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG from the Reporting Person under 6.
5.32 percent of the voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 9 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG via the Reporting Person under 8 from the Reporting Person under 6.
5.32 percent of the voting rights (1,845,317 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 10 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG via the Reporting Persons under 8 and 9 from the Reporting Person under 6.
The chain of the controlled companies through which the voting rights are held is as follows:
the Reporting Person under 1 controls the Reporting Person under 10; the Reporting Person under 10 controls the Reporting Person under 9; the Reporting Person under 9 controls the Reporting Person under 8; the Reporting Persons under 7 and 8 control the Reporting Person under 6."
Karlsruhe/Germany, August 15, 2007
end of announcement euro adhoc 15.08.2007 18:00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: ComBOTS AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note:
Branche: Online ISIN: DE000CMBT111 WKN: CMBT11 Index: Prime All Share, CDAX, Technologie All Share Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin / free trade Börse Hamburg / free trade Börse Stuttgart / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Börse Hannover / free trade Börse München / free trade
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