euro adhoc: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft / quarterly or semiannual financial statement / First half-year 2007: Binder+Co reports excellent growth - marked improvement over the previous year
Geschrieben am 20-08-2007 |
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6-month report
Gleisdorf, August 20, 2007. In the first half of 2007, Binder+Co recorded a marked improvement compared to the previous year. Both sales and the result have been increased, thanks to the favourable economic environment and the billing of some plant projects.
Result nearly trebled In total, the company achieved sales of EUR 24.1 million, exceeding the previous year by EUR 7.6 million, or 46%. On the basis of the positive sales development as well as additional inhouse process optimisation, Binder+Co was able to roughly treble its EBIT to EUR 1.45 million as opposed to the comparable period of the previous year.
Segment development The Processing Technology Segment provided the bulk of sales with EUR 13.0 million (approx. +70% compared to H1/2006). Sales in the Environmental Technology Segment remained at nearly the same level at EUR 4.5 million and the Packaging Technology Segment, with sales of EUR 6.6 million, recorded an increase of 50%. "The Processing Technology Segment remains our strongest segment, continuing to profit from the ongoing strength of the iron and steel industry as well as the increased demand from the minerals sector," explains Member of the Board Karl Grabner.
Order intake shows good development Order intake also maintained its positive trend. In particular, the key markets in western and eastern Europe presented themselves with noticeable dynamism. In total, at EUR 24.7 million, the order intake in the first half of 2007 was EUR 2.7 million or 12% above that of the previous year.
Solid market trend Binder+Co shares developed solidly in the first half of 2007: on the basis of a price of EUR 10.30 at the beginning of the year, the share price reached EUR 11.65 (+13%) on June 29. Binder+Co also became more interesting for investors in the first half-year: the share, originally listed in the unregulated third market (other, was accepted into the new mid-market segment on June 18, 2007 and shortly afterwards (July 16, 2007) admitted to regulated free trading. "This means a further increase in our attractiveness for institutional investors," says Karl Grabner.
Outlook The second half of 2007 will be characterised by a switch to serial production of new products, which have already been launched on the market. Parallel to this, the company will further intensify its market activities in the CEE region. To meet the personnel resources required for this purpose, the workforce in Gleisdorf will be enlarged. For the 2007 financial year, the Binder+Co management anticipates that sales and EBIT will be well above the 2006 level and that quality of results - represented by an ROS(EBIT) of 9.1% - will be maintained.
About Binder+Co Binder+Co AG specialises in Processing-, Environmental- and Packaging Technology and is the world market leader in the field of screening technology (for difficult-to-screen materials) and glass recycling. The company has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since the end of 2006, and in the meantime has been listed in regulated free trading in the newly created mid-market segment. In 2006, with an average of 208 employees, Binder+Co achieved sales of EUR 42.7 million and hence EBIT of EUR 4.0 million. Accordingly, ROS(EBIT) amounted to 9.1%.
end of announcement euro adhoc 20.08.2007 08:55:32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note: Karl Grabner, Member of the Board Tel.: + 43 (0) 3112/800-220
Branche: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT000BINDER3 WKN: Index: mid market Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Regulated free trade
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