Delticom AG: 2007 semi-annual report
Geschrieben am 22-08-2007 |
- Revenues up 35.2% to 102.0 million - 41.7% revenue growth in eCommerce segment (compared to H1 2006) - EBIT increased to 5.4 million (H1 2006: 3.7 million) - EBIT margin up to 5.3 % (H1 2006: 4.9 %) - More than 300 thousand new eCommerce customers, more than 100 thousand repeat customers
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companies/finances/stock market
Hannover (euro adhoc) - Delticom AG (German Securities Code (WKN) 514680, ISIN DE0005146807, stock market symbol DEX), Europe´s leading Internet tyre retailer, today published its consolidated interim report for the first six months of 2007. The company recorded revenue growth of around 35.2% in the first six months compared to the first six months of 2006, with the total rising to EUR 102.0 million (H1 2006: EUR 75.4 million). EBIT increased from EUR 3.7 million in H1 2006 to EUR 5.4 million. At the same time, net income for the period increased to EUR 3.7 million (compared to H1 2006: EUR 2.2 million).
Revenues in the key eCommerce segment were up 41.7 % in H1 2007 to EUR 94.1 million from EUR 66.4 million in H1 2006. The number of registered customers in the eCommerce segment, i.e. the customers who have purchased at least once from Delticom in the past (including the current fiscal year) increased from 974 thousand at the end of the second quarter of 2006 to 1,555 thousand one year later. Delticom acquired 306 thousand new eCommerce customers in H1 2007, with 112 thousand registered customers making a repeat purchase from Delticom in the period under review.
Although Delticom continues to enjoy strong sales in Germany, the company´s growth is increasingly driven by its expansion abroad. The group recorded increases in sales in all 30 countries in all of its total of 79 online shops. In total, the eCommerce division registered sales in Germany of EUR 41.3 million (+ 25.6% compared to H1 2006), EUR 48.2 million in other EU countries (+ 51.0% compared to H1 2006) and EUR 12.5 million in other countries (+ 17.7 % compared to H1 2006).
"We are happy with the first six months", commented Frank Schuhardt, Delticom AG´s CFO, and added: "More and more Internet users hear about our online-shops and buy their tyres there. And more and more of our customers have already made multiple purchases with us. In the second half of the year we will continue to raise the profile of the shops with efficient online advertising - not just in Europe, but also in the rest of the world."
It is not yet possible to draw reliable conclusions about sales and earnings growth for FY 2007 on the basis of the first six months because winter tyre sales in the fourth quarter depend at least to some extent on the weather. Delticom is adequately prepared for the winter tyre season, and the management is confident that it will be able to fulfill the sales and earnings expectations for the year as a whole.
The full report for the first half of 2007 can be downloaded from (Investor Relations section).
Company profile:
Delticom AG has been a tyre wholesaler since 1999, and has sold tyres online since 2000. The Delticom group sells its range of products to private and business customers in its eCommerce division via 79 online stores in than 30 countries. The product range comprises the following product mix or parts thereof depending on the respective market: car tyres, motorcycle tyres, truck tyres, bus tyres, the associated rims, complete wheels (rims with tyres), select replacement car parts and accessories, engine oil and batteries. The products are supplied, depending on the customer's instructions, either directly to the customer, to a service partner, i.e., a workshop with which the Delticom group cooperates and which, in some cases, allow tyres to be delivered directly to their address to be mounted on the customer's vehicle, or to a different delivery address. In addition, the Delticom group's Wholesale division also sells tyres to wholesalers and large retailers in Germany and abroad.
On the Internet at: Online tyre store in Germany:
end of announcement euro adhoc 22.08.2007 08:04:01 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Delticom AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note: Company Delticom AG Frank Schuhardt CFO Brühlstraße 11 30169 Hanover Tel.: +49 (0)511-936 34-844 Fax: +49 (0)89-208081149 e-mail:
IR Agency cometis AG Henryk Deter Unter den Eichen 7 65195 Wiesbaden Tel.: +49 (0)611-205855-13 Fax: +49 (0)611-205855-66 e-mail:
Branche: Electronic Commerce ISIN: DE0005146807 WKN: 514680 Index: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / official dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin / free trade Börse Stuttgart / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Börse München / free trade
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