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Sennheiser Communications gives on-the-go professionals reason to cheer

Geschrieben am 31-08-2007

Copenhagen, Denmark (ots) -

- Cross reference: Picture is available at -

New wireless headsets dramatically improve quality of mobile phone

Irritating background noise is a thing of the past for users of
the new VMX 100 wireless Bluetooth® headset from Sennheiser

The VMX 100 is the first Bluetooth® headset designed with
revolutionary VoiceMax[TM] dual microphone technology. VoiceMax[TM]
employs a unique directional system using two microphones and
advanced digital signal processing to distinguish speech from other
noises. Distracting sounds such as wind, noise from traffic or
machinery, or the murmur of a crowd are effectively eliminated for
clearer, more easily understood conversations.

The advanced features of the VMX 100 enhance speech understanding
for the person wearing it, as well as the party on the other end of
the line. Just as its dual microphone technology makes it easier for
the voice of the user to be understood, the VoiceMax[TM] system also
intelligently filters background noises from incoming calls, enabling
users to better hear what is being said to them.

"From a technological perspective, the VMX 100 is an industry
marvel," said Andreas Bach, General Manager of Sennheiser
Communications. "It effectively improves the quality of mobile phone
conversations and adapts to user behavior in most call situations.
This eliminates the need for constant manual adjustments making it as
easy to use as it is to wear," said Mr. Bach.

Designed with comfort top of mind

Monumental improvements in speech clarity and noise reduction are
complimented by the extremely lightweight ergonomic design of the VMX
100. At 15 grams, it not only fits the contour of your ear, superior
personalized wearing comfort is achieved thanks to a unique 3D ball
joint. This enables adjustment of the microphone boom to personal
preferences. The boom is also designed to automatically turn the
power on or off, depending on whether or not it is opened or closed.

Discreet, durable and sophisticated, the VMX 100 has a two-way
speaker unit allowing it to be worn on either the left or right ear.
Discerning business users will also be happy with the packaging that
includes a compact storage case and multiple charging options.

The VMX 100 is compatible with all Bluetooth® mobile telephones
and will be available from June 2007.

Sennheiser Communications A/S is a joint venture between the
Danish company William Demant Holding A/S and the German company
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG. Based in Copenhagen, the joint
venture develops telecommunications products for contact centers,
office applications and private users, and markets them worldwide.
Sennheiser Communications A/S excels in state-of-the-art technologies
and outstanding customer service. The joint venture draws on the
experience of two companies that are both global market leaders in
their respective sectors.

Originaltext: Sennheiser Communications A/S
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Press contact:

Sennheiser Communications A/S
Michael Porsbo |
6 Langager | 2680 Solrød Strand | Denmark
Fon +45 5618 0000 | Fax +45 5618 0099

fischerAppelt Kommunikation
Sandra Hartwig |
Waterloohain 5 | 22769 Hamburg | Germany
Fon +49 40 899 699 976 | Fax +49 40 899 699 30


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