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Allied Irish Banks Secures Password Renewal With Voicevault

Geschrieben am 20-09-2007

London and New York (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Banking Group Deploys Voicevault's Biometric Voice-Verified
Password Reset Service to Over 5,700 Staff to Optimise IT Helpdesk
Resources and Reduce Costs

VoiceVault a leader in voice-based biometric identity
verification, today announced that Allied Irish Banks (AIB) is
rolling out VoiceVault's Password Reset Service with initial
implementation across head office locations. To- date, the Bank has
enrolled more than 5,700 of its employees.

AIB's staff no longer need to speak to a service agent within the
Bank's IT helpdesk to reset their system passwords. Instead, users of
AIB IT systems speak a few words into the VoiceVault-powered system
and these utterances are used to biometrically voice-verify the staff
member's identity over the phone. Once verified, the user's password
is automatically reset and spoken back to them. As well as being
simple and quick to use, VoiceVault enhances password security
(because it eliminates the human element) and substantially reduces
the volume of IT helpdesk calls so that support teams can focus on
other user issues.

Another key benefit to AIB is that the service is available 24
hours a day, seven days a week. This means that the bank's staff
around the world can use the service at a time that is convenient for

Paul Lindsey, Executive Chairman of Biometric Security, says the
banking group's use of voice biometrics is another example of its
leadership in applying technology to real-world business challenges:
"As largest domestic Irish bank group with global assets, AIB is a
bank that seeks to use technology to gain competitive advantage and
offer a better quality of service to its customers. We are delighted
that AIB chose to implement VoiceVault and that both implementation
and role out to its workforce has been completed so quickly."

"Internal IT security is critically important to AIB and we're
committed to implementing best practice in IT security across the
group," said Niall Hearn, Executive Enterprise IT Services at AIB.
"This means the process of resetting internal IT passwords must be
secure, efficient and cost effective. VoiceVault met our security
requirements, has proved easy for our staff to use and is reducing
the volume of calls to our IT helpdesk by a significant margin."

AIB plans to further deploy this solution to another 15,000 staff
across its head office, branch and capital markets staff. In
addition, the bank is also exploring the use of the solution in
Poland, which could potentially expand usage to a further 10,000
staff and result in the total number of users reaching 25,000.

About VoiceVault

VoiceVault is a specialist and leader in the provision of
voice-based biometric identity verification solutions and services.
With operations in the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, the
company has a global customer base of public and private
organisations, such as government agencies, banks and insurers.
VoiceVault is the only voice verification service certified and
accredited to issue Advanced Electronic Signatures (voice digital
certificates) and to be ISO 27001 rated.

VoiceVault provides a more convenient, practical and secure
alternative to PINs, passwords or security tokens. As well as
verifying an individual's identity over the phone or the Internet,
VoiceVault can be employed across a diverse range of business
applications, including procurement, payment authorisation and
corporate security. Organisations that deploy VoiceVault can deliver
enhanced levels of service to their customers, increase security
while optimising identity verification costs. For more information,
visit http://www.voicevault.com.

About Allied Irish Banks

Allied Irish Banks plc is an Irish registered company and its
ordinary shares are quoted on the Irish Stock Exchange, the London
Stock Exchange and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol AIB).

Formed in 1966, AIB was the product of the bringing together of
three Irish banks, Provincial Bank, founded in 1825, The Royal Bank,
established eleven years later, and The Munster and Leinster, the
largest of the three banks with the most extensive branch network
which was formed in 1885.

For more information, visit http://www.voicevault.com

Hilda Burke
Weber Shandwick UK

ots Originaltext: VoiceVault
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Contact: Hilda Burke, Weber Shandwick UK, +44-20-7067-0289,


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