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euro adhoc: AvW Invest AG / other / AvW further increases its stake in S&T

Geschrieben am 01-10-2007

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.


AvW has increased its stake in the Austrian IT company S&T to a total
of 26 per cent, with AvW Invest AG holding 20.23 per cent and the AvW
Group 5.77 per cent. "The IT market world wide is currently in a
strong growth phase. S&T is already one of the big players in Austria
and eastern Europe, and is enjoying above average growth," says AvW
Chairman Wolfgang Auer von Welsbach. The Austrian Takeover Commission
is being informed.

AvW Invest AG has sold its 1 per cent interest in the Australian
gold mine Equigold. The proceeds from the sale were approximately 4.5
million Australian dollars; a profit of around 2 million Australian
dollars was achieved.

The figures for the first three quarters will be announced on 5

About S&T

S&T - www.snt-world.com - XETRA Vienna: With about 3,000 employees
and 461.3 million Euros revenue in 2006, S&T is the leading provider
of IT consulting, IT solutions, and IT services for customers in
Central and Eastern Europe and in the Germany-Austria-Switzerland
region as well as in Asia. The consortium has together with the in
spring 2007 acquired IMG a successful presence of over 80
subsidiaries in 22 coutries. The corebusiness oft S&T is IT
consulting, development and implementation, as well as the creation
oft custom IT solutions, processes an systems. S&T supports large and
mid-sized companies along the entire IT value-added chain. In
particular, S&T addresses the needs oft the manufacturing and trade
industries, telecommunications, the public sector, as well as
financial service, energyservice providers, car trade companies and
aerospace & defense industry. S&T corporate headquarter is in Vienna.
S&T has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 2003.


The Austrian finance company, which is domiciled in Krumpendorf at
Lake Wörthersee, is active in three core business areas: financial
services, equity participations and real estate, with the latter
being the company´s smallest business segment.

AvW´s shares are listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange on the ATX Prime
Market (ISIN number: AT0000930409, Reuters: AVWI.VI, XETRA Vienna:
AWS). More information about AvW is available on the Internet at

end of announcement euro adhoc 01.10.2007 08:16:45

ots Originaltext: AvW Invest AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:
Mag. Brigitte Burger
Tel.: 04229/3621-24

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000930409
WKN: 892661
Index: Prime.market
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing


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