
inilog will introduce an integrated modular service solution for mid-sized logistics companies at the "SYSTEMS" (Hall B / Booth-No. 309)

Geschrieben am 22-10-2007

Potsdam (ots) - The new corporate group "inilog" - based in
Berlin-Brandenburg and founded by seven experienced IT and logistics
experts - will be presented for the first time at the "Systems" show
(October 23-26, 2007).

In Munich, inilog will showcase a new modular full-service range
of innovative and cost-efficient IT solutions for the logistics
industry, covering the entire chain from SCM to production and
distribution. By pooling IT and logistics competence under one roof,
inilog is able to offer a modular package solution for mid-sized
logistics providers, retail, and industrial companies. The new
concept has been developed by experts from mid-sized companies who
know the customer's demands and IT problems from their own

"Many mid-sized companies have an IT structure based on single
solutions developed for special problems. When a company is going to
expand its services, a network solution is necessary, as new modules
are often not compatible with the old system. Due to the high
investments, these companies then face big problems," as inilog
Network Manager and spokesman Till Lehmann knows from his own
experiences. "Therefore, we are working on solutions based on an
integrated modular system for the entire logistics chain. This
includes sophisticated IT solutions for warehousing, fleet
management, distribution, and management of customer, supplier, and
production data. The single products and services, pooled within a
package, can be expanded flexibly and are compatible with current
systems. Therefore, they will not overburden mid-sized companies
financially," Till Lehmann explains.

inilog not only offers more flexibility and compatibility with
this integrated modular solution, but also lower integration costs,
as well as immediate usability and broad standardization of the new
system. This is made possible through sophisticated IT products
employing state-of-the-art technology that has proved itself in
practical use. In warehousing, for example, inilog offers a real-time
WMS application, where customs clearance can be provided as a single
solution or as an optional extension module.

The portfolio includes a broad range of service tools for fleet
management, such as account analysis, vehicle monitoring and
dispatching. To guarantee efficient and fast delivery of goods,
inilog has developed a mobile delivery system that includes signature
recording and digital documentation.

Furthermore, a tracking and tracing application can monitor
containers. In terms of efficient data management, inilog provides a
comprehensive and freely configurable IT system that guarantees
optimal transparency for efficient management of customer, supplier,
and production data. It also includes applications like CRM,
online-catalogues, eShop functions, and printed catalogue delivery.
The inilog group will present its full range of services at the
Systems fair in Munich, as well as product demonstrations and case
studies. In addition, representatives of the companies Asitos GmbH,
Hendrix Informationstechnik GmbH, ixellence GmbH, mdc GmbH, Dr.
Brunthaler Industrielle Informationstechnik GmbH, E.Novation BTC
GmbH, and FORMAT Software GmbH will be available for personal

About inilog

The inilog group was founded in Berlin-Brandenburg on January 1,
2007 as a joint logistics initiative of seven IT companies: Asitos
GmbH, Hendrix Informationstechnik GmbH, ixellence GmbH, mdc GmbH, Dr.
Brunthaler Industrielle Informationstechnik GmbH, E.Novation BTC GmbH
and FORMAT Software GmbH. All member companies have pooled their
long-term experience and know-how to offer innovative and
sophisticated solutions in the IT and logistics industry. The main
target is to use synergies to provide an integrated modular system
for the entire logistics chain that is ideally scaled for mid-sized
companies.This full range of services includes SCM, production, and
distribution applications to provide innovative and cost-efficient IT
solutions for warehousing, fleet management, distribution, product
data management, and eCommerce. The service portfolio can be extended
flexibly and is compatible with current systems.

inilog will be supported by Branchentransferstelle Logistik (BTL)
of the University of Applied Sciences Wildau, a member of the group,
and NEMO (Netzwerkmanagement-Ost). The logistics industry transfer
center of the university, BTL, provides a platform for information
exchange via workshops, electronic newsletters, and presentations of
the partner network at fairs and trade shows. Furthermore, inilog
will be supported by NEMO in the fields of research and development
as well as by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development. Internal and external communications are coordinated by
the computer scientist and IT consultant Till Lehmann from
Netzwerkmanagement GmbH ATeNE. For further information: www.inilog.de

Originaltext: inilog Firmengruppe c/o ATeNE GmbH
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/68577
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_68577.rss2

c/o ATeNE GmbH
Till Lehmann
Tel.: +49-171-7121617
Email: till.lehmann@inilog.de


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