EANS-Adhoc: SW Umwelttechnik: Autumn starts with major projects
Geschrieben am 24-09-2010 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
major projects
* First mast exports to a German energy company * Water protection
systems for Austrian roads * Major orders for wastewater treatment
plants in the Hungarian Mátra and a Romanian spa town
First mast exports to a German energy company
SW has negotiated a framework contract with a large German energy
supply company to provide them with power masts from Hungary. The
agreed monthly delivery amounts to around 1,200 masts of various
models. This contract can be ascribed to the well-known quality and
the excellent competitiveness of SW Umwelttechnik products.
SW is making roads safe and winterproof: orders totalling EUR 1.2 m
SW Umwelttechnik is furnishing the Citytunnel in Waidhofen with two
water protection systems to purify wastewater and add to road safety.
The much travelled through Ofenauer tunnel on the Tauern motorway (A
10) will also be upgraded to the newest standards of technology with
an appropriate SW water protection system. A 900 m3 reinforced
concrete container by SW Umwelttechnik will be installed on the A5
(North motorway). It will continuously release road wastewater and
therefore prevent the maximum salt levels of nearby natural waters
from being exceeded.
SW purifies CEE´s wastewater: orders totalling EUR 3.0 m
OMS, a subsidiary of the SW Group, has been commissioned as general
contractor to renovate the current drinking water network in the
famous spa town of Baile Tusnad in Romania. 26 km of pipelines and
three sedimentation tanks with a total capacity of 1,900 m3 are to be
A further major order for OMS is the construction of a rainwater
drainage system for the municipality of Bodony in the Northern Mátra
mountains. A streambed reconstruction will be carried out and a
concealed channel 21 km long will be installed. It will be fitted
with 84 purification stand-pipes and 11 sludge traps.
SW Umwelttechnik, a family firm founded in 1910 and listed on the
Viennese stock exchange since 1997, stands for sustainable management
and consistent growth in Eastern and South-eastern Europe. With our
innovative technology to protect the environment we provide an
important contribution for the development of necessary
infrastructure in Central and South-eastern Europe.
end of announcement euro adhoc
ots Originaltext: SW Umwelttechnik
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
DI Dr. Bernd Wolschner
Member of the Management Board
Tel.: +43 / (0) 463 / 32109 - 202
Mobil: +43 / (0) 664 / 34 13 953
Mag. Michaela Werbitsch
Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 / (0) 463 / 32109 - 204
Mobil: +43 / (0) 664 / 811 7662
E-Mail: michaela.werbitsch@sw-umwelttechnik.com
Web: www.sw-umwelttechnik.com
Branche: Technology
ISIN: AT0000808209
WKN: 910497
Index: WBI
Börsen: Berlin / free trade
Frankfurt / free trade
Wien / Regulated free trade
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Angaben zum Emittenten:
- EANS-Voting Rights: Balda AG / Release of a voting rights announcement according to article 26, section 1.1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
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