EANS-News: Reservoir Files Applications for Hydroelectric Projects on the Cehotina River in Bosnia
Geschrieben am 29-09-2010 |
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Research & Development/projects
VANCOUVER, Canada (euro adhoc) - Reservoir Files Applications for
Hydroelectric Projects on the Cehotina River in Bosnia
VANCOUVER, Sept. 29 (TSX Venture: REO) - Reservoir Capital Corp.
("Reservoir" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it has filed
applications with the Government of the Republika Srpska (an
autonomous region of Bosnia and Herzegovina) to build three
run-of-river hydroelectric projects ("HPP") on the Cehotina River,
with a combined capacity of 17.75 megawatts ("MW") and an estimated
output of 88 gigawatt hours per annum ("GWh/yr").
Miljana Vidovic, President and CEO of Reservoir commented: "We're
very pleased to be starting our first projects in Bosnia and
increasing our development pipeline to a notable 108 MW. We're also
very happy with the capacity factor averaging 56% that we've been
able to project for the Cehotina dams."
The Cehotina River flows from Montenegro down into the Drina River at
the town of Foca, home of Reservoir's Bosnian office. The Company has
applied for a 30- year concession covering the 26 kilometre section
of the river within the Republika Srpska, which has an elevation drop
of 114 metres and median flow rates ranging from 20 cubic metres per
second ("m3/s") at the Montenegrin border to 23 m3/s where it joins
the Drina.
The total natural energy capacity for this section of the river is 24
MW (211 GWh/yr) from which the Company's consultant ENCOS Energy
Consulting Services D.o.o. of Sarajevo has designed three dams; Luke,
Falovici and Godijeno, with projected parameters tabulated below:
Cehotina Projects Luke HPP Falovici HPP Godijeno HPP Total
Mean Flow (m3/s) 20.75 21.00 21.80
Installed Flow (m3/s) 30.00 30.00 32.00
Gross Head (m) 21.00 40.00 14.25
Net Head (m) 20.40 35.50 13.80
Installed Power (MW) 5.00 9.00 3.75 17.75
Annual Production (GWh) 25.00 45.00 18.00 88.00
About Reservoir
Reservoir is a renewable energy company, engaged in development of a
58.4 MW hydroelectric project at Brodarevo in southwest Serbia.
Reservoir holds four geothermal exploration licenses in Serbia and
has applied for a hydroelectric license to develop a 32 MW project
from an existing dam at Vrutci in Serbia. The Company holds a
portfolio of precious and base metal exploration properties in
Serbia, two of which are joint ventured with Freeport McMoRan
Exploration Corp. Reservoir's common shares trade on the TSX Venture
Exchange (symbol "REO") and on the Frankfurt and Berlin Exchanges
(symbol "ROC").
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the
adequacy or accuracy of this release.
end of announcement euro adhoc
ots Originaltext: Reservoir Capital Corp.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Reservoir Capital Corp. please consult the Company's website reservoircapital.ca
or contact: Miles Thompson, Chairman at +1 604 662-8448, or Chris MacIntyre, VP
Corporate Development, at +1 416 346-7660; Investor Relations: Julia Maxwell, +1
(604) 662-8448
Branche: Metals & Minerals
ISIN: CA7611251033
Börsen: Berlin / free trade
Frankfurt / free trade
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