
EANS-Adhoc: bwin Interactive Entertainment AG / Preliminary figures for Q3 and first nine months of 2010

Geschrieben am 22-10-2010

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Preliminary Figures


Selected Key Figures

Pro-forma consolidated figures for bwin Group (incl. bwin e.K)

EUR million Q3 2010 Q3 2009 % YoY 1-3 Q10 1-3 Q09 %YoY

Betting turnover 878.4 790.9 11.1% 2.772.7 2.419.7 14.6%
Gross gaming revenues 123.1 101.0 21.9% 383.5 313.7 22.2%
Net gaming revenues 95.3 83.3 14.3% 304.9 263.2 15.8%


• Merger with PartyGaming proceeding as planned - Simon Duffy
confirmed as Chairman-elect of the enlarged group on completion of
the merger • Current trading reflects seasonal strength although
sports betting margin is currently below Q3 2010

Q3 2010 (pro forma consolidated)

• Gross gaming revenues: up 21.9% to EUR 123.1 million (Q3 2009: EUR 101.0
million) - Growth in all product segments except casino
• Sports betting gross gaming revenues: up 22.5% to EUR 64.6 million (Q3
2009: EUR 52.7 million) due to expanded product portfolio coupled with turnover
growth and rise in sports betting margin to 7.9% (Q3 2009: 7.1%)
• Poker gross gaming revenues: up 43.5% to EUR 33.2 million due to
acquisition of Gioco Digitale, addition of Betfair and successful market launch
in France (Q3 2009: EUR 23.1 million)
• Casino gross gaming revenues: down 9.8% to EUR 16.3 million due to
termination of casino operations in France and Italy (Q3 2009: EUR 18.1 million)

• Gross gaming revenues for games: up 28.4% to EUR 9.0 million due to
successful portfolio expansion, especially bingo in Italy (Q3 2009: EUR 7.0
• 1.2 million active customers and 299,000 new active real money customers
(Q3 2009: 1.1 million active and 258,000 new active real money customers)

First nine months of 2010 (pro forma consolidated)

• Gross gaming revenues: up 22.2% to EUR 383.5 million (Q1-Q3 2009: EUR
313.7 million)
• Sports betting gross gaming revenues: up 21.6% to EUR 194.2 million
(Q1-Q3 2009: EUR 159.7 million) - sports betting margin of 7.5%
• Poker gross gaming revenues: up 28.0% to EUR 103.9 million (Q1-Q3 2009:
EUR 81.1 million)
• Casino gross gaming revenues: up 3.3% to EUR 55.3 million (Q1-Q3 2009:
EUR 53.5 million)
• Gross gaming revenues for games: up 55.6% to EUR 30.2 million (Q1-Q3
2009: EUR 19.4 million)
• 2.3 million active customers and 978,000 new active real money customers
(Q1-Q3 2009: 1.9 million active and 804,000 new active real money customers)

A report containing the preliminary figures for the third quarter of
2010 and details of the appointment of Simon Duffy as Supervisory
Board Chairman of the new company can be found on the bwin investor
relations website at www.bwin.org in PDF version.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: bwin Interactive Entertainment AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:


Konrad Sveceny, Investor Relations

bwin Interactive Entertainment AG

Boersegasse 11, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: +43 (0) 50 858-20017




Matthias Winkler, Chief Communications Officer

bwin Interactive Entertainment AG

Boersegasse 11, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: +43 (0) 50 858-20067



Branche: Casinos & Gambling
ISIN: AT0000767553
WKN: 936172
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wien / official market


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