AMP's SIVAC Initiative Supports Mozambique to Set Up its National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG)
Geschrieben am 19-01-2011 |
Paris (ots/PRNewswire) - The inaugural meeting of
Mozambique's Committee of Experts on Immunization (Comité de Peritos
para a Imunização, CoPI) was held in Maputo on January 7, 2011.
The CoPI is the second National Immunization Technical Advisory
Group (NITAG) in a sub-Saharan African country eligible for funding
from the GAVI Alliance. The first was established in Côte d'Ivoire in
January 2010. The Supporting Independent Immunization and Vaccine
Advisory Committees (SIVAC) Initiative played an instrumental role in
the creation of both committees. Implemented by the Agence de
Médecine Préventive (AMP) in partnership with the International
Vaccine Institute (IVI), SIVAC works with local, regional, and
international stakeholders (e.g., World Health Organization, WHO) to
support low- and middle-income countries worldwide to set up or
strengthen NITAGs.
The role of the CoPI is to make recommendations to government
authorities on all decisions regarding immunization and vaccines such
as introduction of new vaccines, appropriate vaccine schedules,
financing, and research priorities and strategies.
"NITAGs have become a particularly important advisory resource in
light of the complexities and advancements in immunization, the
higher cost of new vaccines, and the introduction of new vaccine
technologies," said Dr. Alfred da Silva, executive director of AMP.
"We anticipate that the CoPI will enable the government of Mozambique
to formulate contextually appropriate immunization policies and
programs, increasing vaccination coverage and improving public
The Mozambican NITAG is composed of 15 independent, national
experts from various disciplines (e.g., epidemiology, public health,
pediatrics, microbiology, infectious diseases, health economics). The
Minister of Health appoints members for a four-year term, renewable
once. Up to 20 permanent observers, including representatives from
WHO and the United Nations Children's Fund, may attend meetings but
cannot vote or participate in closed sessions. Additional individuals
may be invited to take part in discussions as needed. These include
scientists, experts from health-related fields, representatives of
civil society or religious denominations, and personnel from the
Ministry of Health.
Moving forward, SIVAC will continue to provide the CoPI with
logistical and technical support. Depending on the committees'
specific needs, this may include assistance to its Executive
Secretariat in the organization of meetings, the identification of
priorities, the preparation of scientific documents, and the drafting
of recommendations.
About AMP
Founded in 1972, AMP is a nonprofit organization with
headquarters at the Institut Pasteur in Paris and offices in Benin,
Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, and Vietnam. AMP is dedicated to
improving the health and well-being of those most in need across the
globe. Along with our public- and private-sector partners, we aim to:
- Enhance scientific knowledge in support of evidence-based health
- Strengthen immunization service delivery, logistics, and innovation
- Develop human and institutional capacity for improved health system
Initially present in Africa and now working globally, AMP has
forged strong partnerships with countries where it operates,
inter-state regional institutions, international organizations,
academic institutions, and the private sector. Learn more:
Related Links
Sabrina Gaber:
Telephone: +33-1-53-86-89-20
ots Originaltext: Agence de Medecine Preventive (AMP)
Im Internet recherchierbar:
CONTACT: Contact: Sabrina Gaber: ,
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