
Qatar Will Host on May 3-4 the First Pre Forum of Civil Society of the Alliance of Civilizations

Geschrieben am 02-05-2011

Doha, Qatar and New York (ots/PRNewswire) - It will be the
first major event in the run-up to the December, 2011 Fourth Annual
Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations, a major initiative affiliated
with the United Nations. The Alliance of Civilizations seeks to
address misunderstanding and fear from the Other and build trust and
confidence that stems from mutual knowledge and understanding.

Backed by a growing group of more than 100 countries and 20
international and regional Organizations, this United Nations
action-driven initiative, based on the principles of tolerance and
mutual respect, aims at strengthening cultural diversity and cultural
rights, good governance, fundamental freedoms, social harmony and the
right for development.

The Doha Pre Forum will bring together more than 170 civil
society leaders, representing regional and national networks from
Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, Europe, North America, Asia and
the MENA region.

This ambition of mutual understanding and cooperative action is
essential to reduce tensions, to foster peace and to contribute to
economic and social development.

"How can we live together in a spirit of respect and cooperation
while the increasing diversity of our societies can generate anxiety,
divisions and pressure on fragile democracies? That is the question
we must deal with at the Alliance of Civilizations and to which we
must continue to respond", said HE Dr Jorge Sampaio, United Nations
High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

A turning point: the Alliance of Civilizations is entering a new
phase in its development. Under the impulsion of HH Sheikha Moza Bint
Nasser, the 4th Annual AOC Forum in Qatar's capital city Doha will
embody this new phase.

Among the priorities of the Pre-Forum, consolidation of
education, youth, media and migration programs will rank high, as
well as encouraging more substantive commitments from all
stakeholders - public and private.

Building on the Millennium Declaration statement that
"differences within and between societies should be neither feared
nor repressed, but cherished as a precious asset of humanity", HH
Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser proposed a more pragmatic and focused
linkage between the program of the Alliance of Civilizations and the
scope of the Millenium Development Goals.

The Doha Civil Society Pre-Forum of the UNAOC will, in this
spirit, give a renewed importance to the centrality of cultural
diversity and intercultural dialogue not only for personal
fulfillment and the promotion of peaceful relations among nations,
but also as a driver in poverty alleviation and the build-up of
dynamic knowledge based societies.

The Doha Pre-Forum of Civil Society will address cultural
diversity, intercultural dialogue and human rights as fundamental
conditions to promote sustainable development strategies.

Back to back with the first ever organized consultations session
with civil society organizations, the AoC is also convening the Sixth
Focal Points meeting on 2 May, 2011. The Focal Points meeting will
focus on the UNAOC National Plans - the importance of strengthening
the national ownership of the UNAOC's objectives and engagement,
ongoing projects and regional initiatives - update and discussion and
the preparation of the Doha Forum and will give an opportunity for
Focal Points to interact with Civil Society organizations attending
the Pre Forum.

The Qatar Committee for the Alliance of Civilizations is
developing a wide and unprecedented consultation of actors of the
Civil Society and Members States from the AoC, to set concrete
targets for intercultural dialogue and understanding which will bring
fresh ideas and initiatives. In particular, the Pre Forum will act as
an interactive platform to link intercultural issues such as
diversity and human rights with the United Nation's Millennium
Development Goals, especially poverty alleviation. This spirit is
illustrated by the strong words of HH Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al
Missned : "We must live our belief that the values of justice and
equality still rule."

The current events in the Arab World are a powerful remainder of
the aspiration of peoples to justice, freedom, shared prosperity and
motivating personal perspectives, as well as the growing power of the
Civil Society in the era of new media, direct democracy and global

That's why, by putting Civil Society at the center stage, the
Doha Pre-Forum aims at helping people, especially the youth, to
change their assets and aspirations into skills and achievement, in a
world of deep transformations.

Thus, the Pre-Forum will introduce a number of new directions to
embody this "turning point", not only in the Alliance's role, but
also in the march of History that we are witnessing.

Background for media:

Qatar Committee for Alliance of Civilizations was established by
the decision No. (8) of the Council of Ministers. The decision was
approved by H.H Sheikh Tameem Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir's Deputy,
on 29 March 2010.

The committee works to consolidate the role of the State of Qatar
in highlighting the contribution of the Arab and Islamic civilization
alongside with other civilizations to enhance human development and
the dialogue role, solving conflicts, confirming values of tolerance,
solidarity and peace between the people of the world, and combating
extremism and fanaticism.

The committee seeks to achieve closer cooperation between races,
religions and cultures, establish the foundation of solidarity
exchange of expertise and benefits between the peoples, based on the
principles of truth, justice and equality to further realize
humanitarian objectives as a whole.

About the UNAOC:

The UN Alliance of Civilizations was established in 2005 as an
initiative of the UN Secretary General, under the cosponsorship of
the President of the Government of Spain and the Prime Minister of
Turkey. It emerged out of a conviction that, in order to achieve
sustainable peace, long-standing divisions and misperceptions between
cultures need to be addressed. In April 2007, Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon appointed Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, as
High Representative for the Alliance. Under his leadership, the
Alliance promotes dialogue that delivers change on the ground. It is
supported by a growing Group of Friends of 128 governments and
international organizations. The UNAOC is also involving many other

Attachment: Pre-forum meeting Agenda.

For more information please contact:

For Middle East:

Riad SANDAKLI Tel: + 33-1-80-96-04-23 riad.sandakli@ogilvy.com

For Europe, USA, Asia:

Patricia MORGAGNI Tel: +33-1-80-96-04-24,

ots Originaltext: Alliance of Civilizations
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de



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