
Turkcell Superonline Provides 1,000Mbps Fiber Internet Speed, Ranking Turkey Among Top Five in the World

Geschrieben am 04-05-2011

Istanbul (ots/PRNewswire) - Turkcell , the leading
communications and technology company in Turkey, is delighted to
announce that its fully-owned subsidiary, and Turkey's leading
Innovative telecom operator, Superonline, has commenced its 1,000
Mbps internet speed service. The service ranks Turkey among the
top-five countries in the world to offer this speed. Meanwhile, we
announced that Superonline, which had initiated the fiber optic era
in Turkey simultaneous with the world, from here on in is to provide
its services under the "Turkcell Superonline" brand name, through a
combination of the power and brand of Turkcell, Turkey's leading
communication and technology company.

Turkcell CEO Suereyya Ciliv, emphasizing the gradually increasing
contribution of Superonline to Turkcell has said that:

"Our group company Turkcell Superonline, which became the first
company to offer fiber internet to both residentials and corporates,
has enriched both Turkcell itself, and our Country since inception.
Through our investments, amounting to 1.4 billion TRY over the past
three years, Turkcell Superonline has continued to pioneer the fiber
optic era in Turkey and increased its contribution to the Turkcell
Group with each passing day. And today, we are proud to provide a
1,000 Mbps internet speed service in Turkey by continuing under the
new brand name of Turkcell Superonline to offer "More of Life, and
More of Technology" with the synergy set to be created through the
power of two large Turkish companies.

Turkcell Superonline General Manager Murat Erkan: "Turkcell
Superonline now offers 1,000Mbps fiber internet to homes, which
provides broadband access at "Light Speed" through the power of the
Turkcell Superonline fiber infrastructure. And in another innovation
to redefine standards in Turkey, we have increased the base internet
speed to 20Mbps from 10Mbps. In the upcoming period, we will continue
our new generation fiber infrastructure investments to provide more
advanced technologies.

Today, Turkcell Superonline is present in 73 cities, with more
than a 25,000 km fiber infrastructure, and a home pass of almost
700,000. By the end of 2011, our fiber backbone will have reached
28,000 km, with home pass having in creased to 1 million, across 10
cities. Moreover, we have eight international gateways."

About Turkcell Superonline (http://www.superonline.net)

Turkey's innovative telecommunication operator,Turkcell
Superonline, continuously invests in the creation of its own fiber
optic infrastructure. Turkcell Superonline is the first and only
telecom operator in Turkey to provide 1,000 Mbps internet speed to
its residential customers. Turkcell Superonline overall provides
services to individual and corporate customers, in the fields of
voice, data, broadband internet access, wholesale voice and data, as
well as leased line and all other value added telecommunication

About Turkcell

Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in
Turkey with 33.1 million subscribers and a market share of
approximately 54% as of March 31, 2011 (Source: Our estimations,
operators' and Authority's announcements). Turkcell is a leading
regional player, with market leadership in five of the nine countries
in which it operates with its approximately 60.4 million subscribers
as of March 31, 2011. Turkcell reported a TRY2.1 billion (US$1.3
billion) net revenue with total assets of TRY15.2 billion (US$9.8
billion) as of March 31, 2011. Turkcell covers approximately 83% of
the Turkish population through its 3G and 99.07% through its 2G
technology supported network. It has become one of the first among
the global operators to have implemented HSDPA+ and achieved a 42.2
Mbps speed using the HSPA multi carrier solution. Turkcell has been
listed on the NYSE and the ISE since July 2000, and is the only
NYSE-listed company in Turkey. 51.00% of Turkcell's share capital is
held by Turkcell Holding, 0.05% by Cukurova Holding, 13.07% by Sonera
Holding and 1.19% by others, while the remaining 34.69% is free
float. Read more at http://www.turkcell.com.tr/en

For further information please contact Turkcell
Nihat Narin, Investor and International Media Relations
Tel: + 90-212-313-1244
Email: nihat.narin@turkcell.com.tr


ots Originaltext: Turkcell
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de



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