Saint-Gobain to Showcase Solarbond® Inframe at Intersolar 2011 / Revolutionary Framing Solution Named Among Top 10 Nominees for the Intersolar AWARD 2011
Geschrieben am 27-05-2011 |
Chaineux (Belgium) (ots) - Saint-Gobain Solar will present
SolarBond® InFrame, an intelligent, innovative and instant solution
for solar module manufacturing, at Intersolar Europe in Munich,
Germany, 8-10 June. This revolutionary, new foamable, framing
material for sealing photovoltaic modules has also been selected as
one of the top 10 nominees for the Intersolar AWARD 2011.
Additionally, the company will be conducting a live technology
application demonstration on the show floor.
SolarBond® InFrame consists of a foamable, single component
reactive compound. As a pumpable solution, the unique automated
application offers several benefits for manufacturers over the
traditional liquid silicone and frame tape methods for framing solar
modules while building on their strengths, creating a new category of
SolarBond® InFrame is applied warm in a continuous motion,
ensuring both accuracy and high bonding strength immediately after
contact with the glass, backsheet and frame. This eliminates the
setting time needed for silicone products to cure by offering the
instant adhesion of frame tapes coupled with a highly automated
application process, shortening production cycles, reducing product
waste and minimizing the associated production costs. The foamed
material fills the aluminum channel in the frame completely, even in
the corners, eliminating the risk of water collecting in the frame as
experienced with tape solutions. What results is a strong, long-
term, weather-resistant bond for a durable final product.
"We're very excited to highlight SolarBond® InFrame at the
upcoming Intersolar show following its Intersolar AWARD 2011
nomination," said Geoffrey King, Market Manager, Renewable Energy,
Saint-Gobain Solar. "With demand increasing for alternative energy
sources, fast, efficient production is critical. SolarBond® InFrame
is an industry game-changer, helping companies to produce
photovoltaic modules with greater ease and less expense."
The Intersolar AWARD 2011 recognizes companies and institutions
from around the world that create ground-breaking product
innovations. The award is given annually in the categories of
Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal Technology and PV Production Technology.
SolarBond® InFrame has been nominated in the PV Production Technology
category and is one of only 10 companies nominated for the award.
Editor's note: Show attendees are welcome to stop by
Saint-Gobain's booth A6-260 to view the live demonstration and speak
with a company representative.
About Saint-Gobain Solar
Saint-Gobain, the world leader in construction and habitat
markets, designs, manufactures and distributes building materials
providing innovative solutions to meet growing demand for energy
efficiency and environmental protection. With nearly 350 years of
history, marked by technical revolutions and commercial successes,
Saint- Gobain is an ever-present industry player. Today, Saint-Gobain
is combining its traditional field of expertise, housing and
construction, with its solar technology know-how. The Group's
commitment to continual innovation aims to make everyone's lives more
comfortable, economical and sustainable all throughout the world.
Saint-Gobain Solar reaffirms the Group's commitment to making solar
energy a springboard of growth and innovation. For more information,
please visit
Contact Details
For more information, contact:
In the United States:
Geoffrey King Market Manager, Renewable Energy
Tel: +1 (518) 642 2200 ext 291
In Europe:
Rainer Wilhelm Sales Manager Foams Europe
Tel: +31 6 2013 4719
In China:
Stone Zhang China Energy Marketing Leader
Tel: +86 21 5472 1568 Ext.8419
Suggested Photo Captions
At Intersolar Europe in Munich, Saint-Gobain Solar will present its
new automated SolarBond® InFrame, an intelligent, innovative and
instant solution for solar module manufacturing. Here, the product is
being applied to the frame.
As a pumpable solution, Saint-Gobain's SolarBond® InFrame, which has
been selected as one of the top 10 nominees for the Intersolar AWARD
2011, allows for a unique automated application that offers several
benefits for manufacturers over the traditional liquid silicone and
frame tape methods for framing solar modules.
Editorial Contacts:
Caroline Carstens
ABI Europe
+44 (0)20 7014 3500
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