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What happens when you combine kite surfing with solar panels?

Geschrieben am 06-06-2011

Tel Aviv, Israel (ots) - Eternegy Ltd. has developed a
revolutionary new dual-axis solar tracker for the utility-scale PV
industry. The company is rapidly expanding operations including an
additional funding round of $2 million.

In co-operation with Solarpower - Israel's leading EPC, and Rotem
Industries for Renewable Energy, Eternegy is installing a fully
operational tracker at Rotem Industrial Park in the Negev desert. The
system will generate electricity commercially in 2011.

The company has a game-changing product and aims to become a key
player in the global photovoltaic tracker market. Solar trackers move
PV solar panels so they constantly face the sun and increase
electricity generation by 40%. The Eternegy tracker requires far less
raw materials than traditional approaches. It uses steel cables to
orient the solar panels and strengthen the tracker structure. This
makes the tracker more robust and affordable. Eternegy's dual- axis
tracker is the most economically advantageous solution for
utility-scale PV projects.

The photovoltaic market is now an $80B market (2010) with an
annual growth rate in excess of 10% per year. It is expected to
double within a few years. The utility scale tracker market is
currently a $2B market and is expected to reach $5B within five

Eternegy is currently expanding relationships with international
EPCs and developers. The company has patents that enable it to
compete globally.

Eternegy's CEO Amit Dror said - "Our fantastic product changes how
large-scale PV projects can be designed. Our tracker substantially
lowers Balance of System costs and helps make PV plants price
competitive with traditional energy suppliers. Eternegy intends to
start operating in the global PV market in Q4 2011".

Eternegy at Munich InterSolar, June 8-10: HALL B3, BOOTH No. 250
Presentation at the Innovative Exchange: Friday, June 10, 12.45pm

Amit Dror


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