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Gintech Energy Corporation Launches High Power Module Solutions of Gpower-245M Cell and Gpower-250S Cell

Geschrieben am 07-06-2011

Munich (ots) - As strong demand on high power modules rises in
worldwide PV markets, Gintech Energy Corporation, a global top 10
leading cell producer, announces its latest cell solutions for
high-power module, named Gpower-245M Cell and Gpower-250S Cell, at
Intersolar 2011, New Munich Trade Faire Center, June 2011.

Gintech's latest launch of Gpower-245M Cell, made of
multi-crystalline wafer, reaches efficiency more than 17% and
increases power output up to 245W, using 60-cell configuration.
Additionally, with innovative cell design and high quality material,
Gpower-250S, based on mono-crystalline wafers, is expected to reach
efficiency above 18%. As a result, the performance of one module can
reach at least 250W on 60-cell basis. Both Gpower-245M Cell and
Gpower-250S Cell are able to provide high performance module
solutions for worldwide customers. A detailed description on the new
development will be presented at Intersolar 2011, booth number

Gintech Energy Corporation has continued dedicating itself to
develope high efficiency quality cells and providing optimized PV
solutions for its clients. Not only Gintech adopts the
state-of-the-art automated production equipments to ensure
competitive edge, but also endeavors to streamline its production
processes through effective utilization of human resources, materials
and capital. Gintech?s current product series includes Premium Mono
Series, High Power Douro Series and Colorful Phoenix Series.

Gintech Energy Corporation: Gintech Energy Corporation is
committed to become a transcendent player in the solar energy
industry. It's also Gintech's mission to deliver high quality solar
products with world-renowned partners and collaborates seamlessly
with leading international suppliers to bring the world a cleaner
energy. For more information about Gintech Energy Corporation, please
visit company website at

For further technical information on our products, please contact:

Dr. Harry Kuo
Tel.: +886-2-2656-2000 Ext 8121


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