German Nuclear Exit to Boost Renewables, Energy Grid Investments
Geschrieben am 07-06-2011 |
Berlin/Seattle (ots) - Germany's government last week confirmed a
complete nuclear phase-out by 2022, paving the way for an accelerated
shift to renewable energy. This will require major investments in the
electricity grid and energy storage technologies. Germany is already
pursuing solutions, with several model regions developing new
industry standards. These activities create excellent business
opportunities in the German market. Germany Trade & Invest is hosting
an event on June 8 in Seattle to share the latest developments and
investment opportunities in Germany, especially in the growing
eastern regions.
"Smart energy management is a key component of our future energy
supply. With one of the world's leading renewable energy industries
and a highly innovative IT sector, Germany is in an outstanding
position to take the lead globally. Investors benefit from excellent
conditions here," said Dr. Jürgen Friedrich, Chief Executive of
Germany Trade & Invest in Berlin.
Germany already boasts 17 percent renewable electricity from
sources like wind and solar power, which do not have a base load. A
large fluctuating energy supply requires smart grids and energy
storage to balance supply and demand, which can be achieved by
shifting consumption or storing energy for later use. Software and IT
solutions are a key component for the advancement of smart energy
A first-rate telecommunications and electricity grid is a
prerequisite for the expansion of smart metering and grid
technologies. Germany receives excellent marks in this area. In its
2010 Global Performance Index, the World Economic Forum ranked
Germany's telecommunications and transportation infrastructure first
worldwide. Partial credit goes to massive infrastructure investments
in eastern Germany since reunification in 1990.
Germany has six model regions that receive funding for the
development of different aspects of future smart grid technologies
and standards. The Regenerative Model Region Harz (RegModHarz), for
example, is developing a virtual power station that groups renewable
power generators, consumers and energy storage facilities to prove
that stable, reliable and consumer-oriented electrical power is
achievable from renewable sources.
Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward investment
promotion agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization
advises foreign companies looking to expand their business activities
in the German market. It provides information on foreign trade to
German companies that seek to enter foreign markets.
Germany Trade & Invest
Andreas Bilfinger
T: +49(0)30 200099-173
F: +49(0)30 200099-111
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