Open Source Smart Grid Solutions powered by Fraunhofer ITWM
Geschrieben am 08-06-2011 |
Kaiserslautern/Munich (ots) - The Fraunhofer Institute for
Industrial Mathematics provides flexible building blocks for energy
information systems - ranging from smart metering components to PV
self-consumption optimization combined with home automation systems.
Most components are available under a liberal open source license and
can easily be adopted to meet customer needs.
The Fraunhofer HexaBus is an IPv6-ready home automation system. It
integrates seamlessly in existing home networks. This allows
customers to configure and control electrical devices with any
computer. The HexaBus is a wireless bus system optimized for reliable
communication in buildings. It can be easily installed into customer
households. Due to its easy self-installation, it is also attractive
for rented apartments. The HexaBus components are available at a very
attractive price.
The Fraunhofer self-consumption optimization increases
significantly the consumption of locally generated PV energy, which
is highly profitable in Germany. The optimization is based on a
transparent energy balance, showing exactly the current consumption
and PV energy generation, and individual PV energy yield forecasts.
This allows users to adapt their consumption to match the local PV
generation perfectly. Based on the energy yield forecasts, users get
recommendations of when to use selected devices, e.g. a dishwasher,
in order to increase their PV self-consumption. Users are able to
assess their changed consumption patterns by intuitive charts and
reports. In combination with the HexaBus, it is also possible to
automatically control devices in line with the PV self-consumption
optimization. Moreover, we provide PV monitoring services to detect
and report malfunctioning PV components.
Fraunhofer mySmartGrid is an easy but powerful energy management
platform. It provides smart metering and demand-side-management
services. It is based on the Flukso Smart Metering solution to track
power consumption, PV feed-in, and PV generation. In addition to the
mySmartGrid website the Chumby home display also shows local power
consumption/generation. The combination of technologies helps users
to optimize their PV self-consumption and to reduce their total
energy usage.
Most developments are published under a liberal open source
license. Thus, it is possible to integrate the mySmartGrid platform
into your solutions or to retrieve measured data out of the
mySmartGrid. By joining an upcoming development consortium, it is
possible to influence the platform development in order to address
customer needs.
For further information please visit us at our booth
B2.638@Intersolar Europe 2011, Munich or at our websites: and
Matthias Klein M.Sc.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno-
und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM
Tel.: +49 631 31600-4475
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