
Nubian Acquires Idaho Sedex Prospect

Geschrieben am 22-07-2011

Abbotsford, British Columbia (ots/PRNewswire) -

Nubian Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has signed
a lease agreement with Timberwolf Minerals Ltd., a private
corporation, to acquire a 100% interest in Timberwolf's Idaho Sedex
lead-zinc-silver prospect area in Lemhi County, Idaho effective June
30th 2011.

Nubian paid the Lessor an upfront payment of USD $5,000 upon
signature of the contract and will pay the Lessor a minimum annual
payment on the anniversary date (June 30th 2011) of the signed
agreement as follows:

a. Pay Lessor USD $10,000 on or before the first anniversary
date, start of year two.

b. Pay Lessor USD $10,000 on or before the second anniversary
date, start of year 3, and each successive year thereafter, for as
long as Lessee maintains this Agreement in good standing.

c. From the start of production onward, Lessee shall pay Lessor
USD $30,000 or a one percent (1%) NSR, whichever is greater. Each
such payment shall be made on or before the successive anniversary of
the execution of this lease. Royalty payments shall be made quarterly
of each year. Lessee may purchase the NSR, on or before the Start of
Year 6 of this Agreement for a final one-time buyout payment of USD
$2,000,000 exclusive of all prior payments.

About the Idaho Sedex Property

The prospect area, which includes the historic Worthing-Kauffman
mine, is located in the Birch Creek Mining District about 38 miles
southeast of Leadore, Lemhi County, Idaho. Lead and silver were
discovered in the district about 1880, and the district's mines were
among the most important in Idaho in the eighties, and district
production up to 1944 is estimated at about five million dollars in
lead, silver and copper. Zinc was not recovered in early mining
efforts. Most of the district ore production is oxidized.

The Birch Creek deposits have been characterized as structurally
controlled replacements in steeply dipping lower Paleozoic quartzite.
Recently, however, the U. S. Geological Survey has reclassified the
origin of the ore as possible basin-margin, carbonate-shale-hosted,
stratabound deposits along the eastern margin of an island-arc and
inner-arc basin located to the west. The primary mineralization can
be correlated with a modern "sedimentary-exhalative" deposit model.
Regional metamorphism has in some cases remobilized the metals into
structurally controlled deposits.

Within the prospect area, two prominent lead-zinc gossans, each
40-100 feet wide, dip nearly vertically along the structure and
bedding. Beyond this zone, stockwork mineralization may extend in
favorable stratigraphy for another 200-500 feet. The overall
mineralized zone in this part of the prospect area varies from
400-1,000 feet wide following the structure a distance of over 5,000
feet. Twelve surface grab samples collected by Timberwolf, some less
oxidized and with visible sulfides, averaged 0.67% lead and 1.72%
zinc. Nubian has collected 19 additional samples of mineralized rock,
results pending.

Nubian has staked 14 additional mining claims, bringing the total
holdings to 18 contiguous claims (approximately 372 acres) and is
gathering additional historic and modern geologic and prospecting
data. The current land holdings cover all the known lead-zinc
gossans. The company will conduct geologic mapping and sampling with
the intention of formulating a drill exploration program.

Peter H. Hahn, C.P.G., a Qualified Person (QP) as defined by
National Instrument 43-101 supervised the preparation of the
technical information in this news release. The information presented
is historical in nature and has not been verified for accuracy and

President and CEO Graham Chisholm comments: "We find the
lead-zinc gossans attractive and worthy of further exploration and we
are also interested in the copper prospects. Additional staking is
currently taking place as well as additional surface grab sampling.

"Graham Chisholm"

Graham Chisholm

President & CEO

This release includes certain statements that are
"forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other
than statements of historical facts that address future exploration,
development and production activities, and other circumstances,
events and developments that the Company expects, are forward-looking
statements. Although management believes the expectations expressed
in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable
assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future
performance, and actual results, events and developments may differ
materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The
occurrence of certain risk factors, the probability of which is
unknown, may also affect actual results, events and developments
expected by the Company.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services
Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture
Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this

For further information:
Graham Chisholm
Office: +1-604-859-3007; Cell: +1-604-302-0746
Jeannette Durand
Web Page: http://www.nubianr.com

ots Originaltext: Nubian Resources Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de



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