Mobility trade fair sending out "strong signals" - electric mobility is main focus Wissmann: IAA complete success with over 900,000 visitors!
Geschrieben am 23-09-2011 |
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - "This 64th IAA Cars is a strong IAA! The
world's most important trade fair for mobility has sent out strong
signals and - 60 years after its first show here in Frankfurt am Main
- presented itself in a new quality. Precisely in these times of
turbulence on the finance markets, the IAA has sent out strong
signals of stability in manufacturing and of automotive growth. For
the politicians, here it has become visible and comprehensible, just
how strong the manufacturing sector is, and the innovative drive for
the future that characterises this industry," stressed Matthias
Wissmann, President of the German Association of the Automotive
Industry (VDA), at the IAA's closing press conference in Frankfurt am
This year in particular, Wissmann continued, the significance of
the IAA as a platform for dialog between politics and business was
"greater and more important than ever before." For example, the VDA
president had welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel, several
members of the German Government and numerous state premiers and
other state-level politicians to the IAA. "Brussels also sent guests
- most importantly European Commissioner Oettinger - who saw the
quality of the IAA," Wissmann said.
"When a dynamic economy and targeted policy act in concert, I am
sure that we will find ways for Europe to perform its tasks with more
determination, energy and consistency. The finance markets must again
serve the manufacturing sector. We obviously need transparent rules,
that is to say, world-wide regulation of this sector," Wissmann
pointed out.
Here in Frankfurt the automotive industry had shown, in the
quality of its exhibits and innovations, that it had done its
homework. Wissmann added that it really did offer "Future as
standard." He underlined, "The 64th IAA Cars is sending out strong
signals in the form of more exhibitors (1,012), more exhibition space
(235,000 sq m), more world premieres (183) and more visitors than in
2009." He said the IAA had shown that "people want cars and they want
innovation. They want the Internet and individual mobility. They want
efficient vehicles that at the same time meet their demands for high
levels of safety, comfort, quality and design - and all of that at
affordable prices."
Wissmann added that the IAA's world premieres had set off a
glittering display of innovations that "obviously goes down very well
with the visitors to the IAA": "We can already estimate that we will
ultimately have welcomed more than 900,000 visitors when this IAA
closes its doors. This means that we expect at least 7 to 10 per cent
more visitors than at the IAA 2009. This level of interest far
exceeds our expectations. The result of people 'voting with their
feet' clearly indicates - in contrast to some statements by so-
called experts - that the 'fascination of the car' is very strong,
especially among young people. And we regard that as a strong signal
from the 64th IAA Cars," Wissmann stressed. Individual mobility -
that is, having one's own car - remained a major basic need of
individual freedom. "This practical experience leaves its mark anew
on every rising generation," he said.
The international nature of this IAA was a factor in its quality,
Wissmann said. One in five visitors comes from abroad. And already
one in five foreign guests comes from Asia - whereas two years ago
the figure was only one in eight. There is great interest around the
world in information from this IAA - over 12,000 journalists came
from 98 countries to report on the 64th IAA. Wissmann said, "In terms
of quality, however, what is even more crucial is the increasing
satisfaction of our customers. This year's IAA visitors are even more
satisfied with the trade fair than two years ago. Almost 70 per cent
of them give the IAA a mark of 1 or 2. And all the reactions from the
exhibitors' stands indicate similar results. This will spur us on for
the next IAA in particular." With an average age of 35 years, the IAA
visitors are one year younger than those at the last IAA.
Wissmann drew attention to the fact that this mobility trade fair
had pointed up major automotive trends: "Premium is continuing to
advance, and the German manufacturers have a very strong position,
with a global market share of 80 per cent." Sporty cars - such as
roadsters, convertibles, hardtops and limousines, whether they are
two or four-seaters - were "really dynamic." More models than ever
before are on display at this IAA, for instance the Porsche 911, the
Audi R8 Spyder GT, the Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster, the BMW M5 and the
new models from Aston Martin, Ferrari, Jaguar and other importers.
Yet the same is happening in all segments: the vehicles are becoming
more and more efficient and economical - and they "thus ease the
pressure on motorists' wallets at every visit to the filling
station." CO2 was being reduced all along the transmission - but
increasingly due to lightweight construction and new materials, such
as carbon fibre in the BMW i3 Concept and i8 Concept. The intelligent
car, that is networked with its surroundings, was no longer a Utopia,
but a reality visible at the manufacturers - and was generating extra
safety and comfort for the customers. At the same time the range of
models for first-time buyers had been expanded by the addition of
"clever new solutions" which were "tailor-made" for urban mobility
"and also had a very attractive price tag." One example of this was
the VW up!, which was seen by many journalists as a star of this IAA.
There was also great public interest in these models, Wissmann
pointed out.
"German manufacturers are showing at this IAA just how innovative
they are, particularly in the small car and compact car segments. Of
course electric mobility is a major factor in the quality of this
IAA. The Hall of Electric Mobility was a total success. Here, too, we
find that interest is by no means limited to the media; motorists and
IAA visitors are also considering when they can start emissions- free
driving," Wissmann said. The range on offer comprised all the
alternative types of powertrains: mild hybrid, plug-in hybrid, range
extender, and 100 per cent battery-powered vehicles. The vision of
hydrogen and fuel cells was impressively demonstrated at this
exhibition - for example by Mercedes. And in this respect the IAA
slogan "Future comes as standard" was also appropriate: "Because
starting from this year, and in 2012 and 2013, all German
manufacturers will have electric cars on the market," according to
At this IAA interest was greater than ever in the drive for
innovation by suppliers, who presented 94 world premieres: "As
confirmed on my walking tours, some employees hardly got away from
their stands even for a minute until the first IAA weekend, so
numerous and intensive were the discussions with customers. The
suppliers' expertise, including the field of electric mobility, was
in great demand. Overall there were a great many successful
specialist discussions - in the second week, too." One factor here
was the numerous walking tours on technological subjects with
developers and purchasers of the German manufacturers. The German
manufacturers had sent a total of over 5,000 developers and over
2,000 purchasers to the IAA.
"This year's 25 specialist events at the IAA included two
premieres: The Electric Mobility Congress on 21 September, with more
than 500 guests, and the carIT Congress on 22 September with well
over 300 participants. Both events involved high-ranking experts. The
VDA, as the organiser, had thus also chosen the right focal themes,"
Wissmann emphasised. According to the exhibitors, the IAA had once
again shown its great value as the world's most important show for
the entire automotive expertise. The focus on electric mobility,
together with the specialist congress, had doubtless contributed to
the success of this IAA. And the suppliers were also on the programme
for the over 100 walking tours by politicians from Brussels, Berlin
and the German states.
The events to encourage upcoming talent were also very successful.
For example, the GoIng scheme, which is directed at schoolchildren in
their final years at grammar school, attracted 900 children and their
teachers, i.e. twice as many as in 2009. WorkING, the scheme for
students, was also well attended. The schools' campaign counted over
28,000 schoolchildren, which was up by one quarter on 2009. Wissmann
said, The education ministers of the states should take this as
encouragement to anchor the topic of technology and mobility more
actively in the curricula. Here there is great potential, which
should be exploited." The test drives, the off-road circuit and the
go-kart track were also very popular. This also applied to the
exhibition of historic vehicles entitled "125 Years of the
Finally, Wissmann stressed, "The IAA 2011 has exceeded our
expectations in all respects. It is a strong IAA - with more
premieres, more exhibitors, more exhibition space and more visitors.
Here in Frankfurt the drive for innovation in this industry is more
impressively demonstrated than ever before, as is the keen desire for
individual mobility. The slogan 'Future comes as standard' is what
this IAA is all about! Take electric mobility as an example. What
started with individual concept cars two years ago is now a fixed
part of the IAA 2011."
The VDA president thanked Messe Frankfurt, the police, the fire
service and all the other organisations and service providers who had
"supported this IAA and made an active contribution to the success of
this trade fair for mobility." The preparations for the next IAA have
already started: the 64th IAA Commercial Vehicles will take place in
Hanover from 20 to 27 September 2012, and the 65th IAA Cars will take
place from 12 to 22 September 2013, once again in Frankfurt am Main.
Media Contact:
Eckehart Rotter
VDA - Press Department
Tel.: +49 30 897842-120
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