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New Report Reveals a Seismic Shift From 'Material World' to 'Progressive Planet'

Geschrieben am 29-09-2011

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

Global Research From Johnnie Walker Reveals a new Model for

Measuring Success and Achievement

- Over half (52%) of global citizens say success isn't just

based on wealth

- Two in five (42%) do not think material goods signify


- Death of the 'me' culture in the Western World

- Community values still prevalent among the conspicuous

consumption of the East

Attitudes towards success and achievement are fundamentally
changing around the world, according to a new report released today
from Johnnie Walker.

'The Progress Index' - an international study which included a
poll of over 11,000 people in 11 countries - was commissioned to
investigate how the concept of 'progress' is evolving as part of the
Johnnie Walker Keep Walking Project, a new initiative to spark
thinking for a better future.

Over half (52%) of the international sample said that success in
life isn't based on wealth and two in five (42%) said they no longer
believe that material goods signify success, with the figure
exceeding two in three (68%) in Spain - the largest in the report.

Nearly one in three (31%) of those surveyed said they will regard
themselves successful when they can help others and the vast majority
(88%) feel they achieve more by working with others.

Despite a challenging economic climate, only one in five (21%)
said they would be willing to succeed at the expense of others,
further emphasising the shift from 'individual' to 'collective' gain.

A shift from a 'Me Culture' to a more community based 'We
Culture' is perceptible around the world, although to varying

The report identifies three stages of how countries think about
progress. In stage one, the acquisition of wealth and defined social
positioning are vital. In stage two, status symbols are important,
but relationships and philanthropy begin to be valued more. In stage
three, the idea of exclusive value - that the rarer something is, the
more valuable it is - moves instead towards an idea of inclusive
value: the more people use something, the more valuable it is.

Stage 1: Status Symbolists

Countries in stage one include Lebanon, Thailand, China and
Vietnam. The perception that success is based on wealth was shared by
72% of those polled in China, 64% in Thailand and 61% in Lebanon.
People in Vietnam (43%), China (38%) and Lebanon (37%) said their
main aspiration was to succeed professionally compared to only 16% in
the US.

Stage 2: Ambitious Altruists

Countries in this stage include Greece, US, South Africa, UK,
Bulgaria and Brazil. 55% of respondents in Greece and the US stated
that material goods don't signify success. The importance of giving
back is emphasised by South Africa, 94% of whom said that this is
crucial when evaluating success.

Stage 3: Co-Operative Collaborativists

The only country already beginning to enter stage three is Spain.
For two in three (68%) Spanish respondents, material goods do not
signify success, far higher than the global average of 42%. Roughly
the same number (71%) does not think that success in life is not
based on wealth.

Report contributor Rachel Botsman, author of 'What's Mine is
Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption', observes: "The
recession has been an accelerator of consumer values and there is a
massive resurgence of need for community. We are expressing ourselves
by what we belong to, versus what we individually own."

'The Progress Index' also reveals how a new wave of innovation
and entrepreneurialism is looking to crowd sourcing, collaboration
and conversation to find solutions to challenges.

A bottom-up, solve-it-yourself culture is emerging, with 79% of
the global survey believing that mankind will come up with the
solutions it needs to combat the world's problems.

Inspired by this, Johnnie Walker is launching the Keep Walking
Project in seven countries in 2011 (Bulgaria, Brazil, Greece,
Lebanon, Spain, Thailand and Vietnam) which shortlists three
pioneering projects and invites people to decide which is most

The Art Project led by artist Ze Frank will share peoples'
collective vision for their cities; The Tech Project will power light
installations using energy generated from Pavegen paving slabs; and
The Business Project by Hub Culture will encourage enterprise via
pop-up lectures. Successful projects will launch in Spring 2012.

Gavin Pike, Global Brand Director for Johnnie Walker, said: "In
the age of global interdependence, as we face collective challenges
such as climate change, financial crises and population growth,
people are recognising the value of collaborative solutions over
individual gain.

"The Keep Walking Project hijacks this emerging trend by asking
people to show their support for some exciting initiatives that could
have a positive impact on our communities.

"Striving for success - whether individual or collective -
embodies the Johnnie Walker notion of progress, which enabled three
generations of the Walker family to grow a small grocery store
founded in 1820 into the world's number one Blended Scotch Whisky."

Notes to Editors:

About The Report

'The Progress Index' was developed by Future Poll, the research
division of The Future Laboratory, and commissioned by Johnnie

Eleven surveys, conducted in July 2011, polled the opinion of
over 11,000 respondents aged 25 to 45 years old living in Brazil,
Bulgaria, China, Greece, Lebanon, South Africa, Spain, Thailand,
Vietnam, the UK and US. The sample comprises roughly a 60:40
male:female split and respondents are evenly spread between the age

The process for defining the stages of 'progress' was underpinned
by the theory of experts, such as those interviewed as part of the
report, as well as qualitative research.


JOHNNIE WALKER is the world's number one Blended Scotch Whisky
brand, enjoyed by people in more than 180 countries around the world.
Since the time of founder, John Walker, it has been closely
associated with the concept of progress.

About Diageo

Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business. With its
global vision, and local marketing focus, Diageo brings to consumers
an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across the
spirits, wine and beer categories including Smirnoff, Guinness,
Johnnie Walker, Baileys, J&B, Cuervo, Captain Morgan and Tanqueray,
and Beaulieu Vineyard and Sterling Vineyards wines. Diageo trades in
some 180 countries around the world and is listed on both the New
York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE).

Diageo is committed to responsible drinking through: setting
world-class standards in responsible marketing, promotion and
innovation; promoting a shared understanding of what responsible
drinking means, and working with others to combat alcohol misuse.

The JOHNNIE WALKER and KEEP WALKING words and associated logos
are trademarks.

ots Originaltext: Johnnie Walker
Im Internet recherchierbar:

For more information please contact Matt Crowhurst at Edelman on / +44(0)20-3047-4042.


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