
KfW awarded top results in the PRI Report 2011

Geschrieben am 13-10-2011

Frankfurt (ots) - In the evaluation of its implementation of the
UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), KfW achieved
significant improvements in all evaluation categories with an overall
excellent rating: this year KfW belongs to the top group of all 920
PRI signatories worldwide across all six principles, in other words
KfW occupies the 1st quartile (best 25%) for all principles of the
PRI evaluation. This also applies within the "Asset Owner" category,
under which KfW falls.

By signing the UN-PRI about five years ago, KfW committed itself
to continually implement the six principles, in particular to
orientate its investment practices towards sustainability, to
encourage other market players to make responsible investments and to
report comprehensively on their sustainability related activities.

This last point also covers annual reporting to the PRI
Secretariat on developed strategies and individual implementation
measures undertaken to fulfil the principles. These reports serve as
the basis for evaluating the activities of all signatories and the
results are then compiled and published in an annual PRI Report.

A number of factors contributed to the improvement of KfW's
individual results in the period 2010 such as for example that the
bank was one of the first bond market investors to develop an
engagement process: KfW communicates in detail its sustainable
investment process to issuers in which it invests; in this regard KfW
discloses strengths and weaknesses in the respective sustainability
ratings, thereby enabling issuers to incorporate the sustainability
rating in further corporate strategy.

"We view the pleasing results from the PRI Report 2011 as
recognition of our work in the last years, but we will not stop here.
We will face the challenge of the qualitative competition within the
continuously growing circle of investors who act responsibly and
sustainably on the market.

We are also striving for good results in the coming years. Even
more important for us is that the principle of responsible investing
becomes established in the capital market. KfW wants to continue to
contribute in this regard," explains Dr Günther Bräunig, the member
of the Executive Board of KfW Bankengruppe in charge of capital

In this regard, KfW pursues the following objectives among others:

- Continue developing its own sustainability approach in the
investment process, for example through introduction of
exclusion criteria in April 2011,

- Expand the engagement with issuers in which KfW invests, also
through the creation of comparative analyses within investor
groups to promote competition in sustainability.

- Initiate and expand a German PRI network; initial concrete steps
were taken in May 2011.

In KfW's view, capital market investors should take into
consideration the consequences of their investment decisions
regarding ecological and social developments. In this context, KfW
developed and implemented its own innovative approach for responsible
investment decisions. Detailed information on this topic and
sustainable portfolio management at KfW, on the UNPRI and on the
activities of the promotional bank to implement the principles can be
found under:



The PRI comprise a total of six principles: 1. We will incorporate
ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.

2. We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our
ownership policies and practices.

3. We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the
entities in which we invest.

4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles
within the investment industry.

5. We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in
implementing the Principles.

6. We will each report on our activities and progress towards
implementing the Principles.

KfW, Palmengartenstraße 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt
Kommunikation (KOM)
Tel. 069 7431-4400, Fax: 069 7431-3266,
E-Mail: presse@kfw.de, Internet: www.kfw.de/newsroom

For inquiries from journalist
Nathalie Drücke; Phone: +49 7431 2098; E-Mail:


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