
NICE Recognises the Clinical Potential of the EOS 2D/3D Imaging System, Encouraging use in the Specialist Research Setting

Geschrieben am 26-10-2011

Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -

Today the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) publishes diagnostic guidance encouraging the use
of the EOS 2D/3D imaging system in specialist research settings to
collect evidence about potentially important clinical benefits
associated with 3D reconstruction, single image weight-bearing
whole-body imaging and simultaneous postero-anterior (PA) and lateral

In the guidance, NICE recognises that EOS is an important
emerging technology with potentially important clinical benefits such
as significant imaging improvements that could result in better
clinical decision-making. NICE recognises that there is evidence for
people with spinal deformities (scoliosis) to receive substantially
less radiation dose and for clinicians and organisations to increase
patient throughput, although no substantial health economic benefit
could be obtained from radiation dose reduction on the scoliotic

The NICE Committee considered that the EOS system could provide
positive health outcome benefits resulting in better decisions about
orthopaedic surgery, in particular for the management of spinal
pathologies, principally scoliosis, but also including other
conditions such as progressive kyphosis and osteoporotic fractures in
adults, as well as conditions that particularly affect the hip and
knee (notably hip and knee replacement planning).

Professor Lazennec, from Paris' leading hospital,
Pitié-Salpétrière, said "Hip and knee prothestic surgery planning as
done until now is biased by projection and by patient position. EOS
provides the ability of seeing and measuring our patients in 3D,
weight bearing and globally, and allows me to plan adequately my
surgeries respecting my patient specific anatomy. I am happy that my
patients can benefit from this technology today. "

NICE has kindly offered to work with EOS to co-develop its
specialist research programme, however full data sets demonstrating
the potential benefits required for cost-efficacy analysis to NICE
standards will require time to establish as they involve the outcome
of pre-operative planning through to complex therapies and surgeries
such as scoliosis surgery and hip and knee replacements. Until such
data are available, NICE is not yet able to recommend the system for
routine use in the NHS.

Marie Meynadier, EOS Imaging CEO said, "The EOS 2D/3D imaging
system is routinely used in clinical settings across the world. It is
also subject to an extensive programme of research associating
radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons. We will provide data to NICE
as they are established to determine when a cost-effectiveness review
based on this evidence would be appropriate."

At a leading institution for scoliosis, Dr Hubert Labelle, Head
of Orthopedics at St Justine Hospital, Montreal, Canada, said
"Orthopedic surgery is a series of precise gestures in a 3D universe,
performed on 3D patients. We need to take this into account when we
plan our surgeries. We also have results from a preliminary study
showing that 3D could be key to the prognosis of scoliosis. In other
words, 3D parameters measured at the very first patient visit could
give us an indication of the foreseeable progression of the
pathology, and help us define the best course of action. Scoliosis
therapies are very invasive and we need tools that can help us define
the best for our patients. This is why we are using EOS, together
with the dose reduction benefit to the patient."

- ENDS -

About the EOS product and the company EOS Imaging

EOS was developed from a Nobel Prize-winning technology by a team
of engineers, orthopaedic surgeons and radiologists as a complete
orthopaedic imaging solution. EOS allows full-body imaging of
patients that enables global assessment of balance and posture as
well as a 3D bone-envelope image in a weight-bearing position, and
provides automatically over 100 clinical parameters to the
orthopaedic surgeon for pre- and post-operative surgical planning.
EOS is a total solution in orthopaedic imaging available in the U.S.
since receiving FDA 510(k) clearance. The company EOS imaging has
corporate headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. (185 Alewife Brook
Parkway, Suite 410; toll-free: +1-866-933-5301), and Paris, as well
as an office in Montreal.

For more information on EOS Imaging please visit:

ots Originaltext: EOS
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

To find out more about the EOS 2D/3D imaging system or to
interview Marie Meynadier, please contact:
Chiara Charkham, T: +44(0)-20-7148-4178,
E: chiara@auroracomms.com


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