The 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives Unveils its Program
Geschrieben am 31-10-2011 |
Quebec City (ots/PRNewswire) -
Unique topics for the advancement and recognition
of the cooperative and mutualist model
In conjunction with the launch of the United Nations'
International Year of Cooperatives, the 2012 International Summit of
Cooperatives ( has unveiled a unique
and diverse program covering topics of interest to the cooperative
and mutual community that have not been previously discussed. The
goal of the program, which focuses on the financial and
socio-economic aspects and global socio-political influence of
cooperatives and mutuals, is to create opportunities to do business
Discussions will focus on the need to change the current economic
system by showing what recognition for the cooperative and mutualist
business model can do. Priority will be given to solutions that will
help cooperatives develop and enhance their performance so that they
are better prepared to meet the economic and financial challenges
they face.
Through six groundbreaking international studies by McKinsey &
Company (, Deloitte (, IPSOS/UQAM ( and IRECUS
(, the Summit will provide new
insights into these models. The studies will cover key topics such as
people's perception and expectations of the cooperative and mutualist
model, the global socio-economic impact of cooperatives and mutuals,
the issues and opportunities that major global trends present for
cooperatives, as well as cooperative and mutual growth strategies.
"The contribution that cooperatives and mutuals make to the
global economy will receive the recognition it deserves," said Dame
Pauline Green, President of the International Co-operative Alliance,
an international organization and one of the three co-hosts of the
Summit. Presidents and CEOs from the 300 largest cooperatives in the
world, whose combined economic power is equal to the 10th largest
global economy, will share their strategies and vision of development
for the cooperative and mutualist model in the face of global
challenges. "We are looking forward to welcoming them to Quebec City,
the birthplace of the Canadian cooperative movement," said Monique F.
Leroux, Chair of the Board, President and CEO of Desjardins Group, a
co-host of the Summit.
The Summit program will cover issues of concern to the
cooperative and mutual community: What levers are available to
cooperatives and mutuals? How can they remain agile and innovative
and become leaders in constantly changing markets? How, in the
current environment, can we meet the needs of members while
contributing to an active association life? All the cooperatives will
have the opportunity to tackle these questions, including the
smallest cooperatives, which have distinguished themselves on the
world stage through their expertise.
Productivity, financing and capitalization will also be on the
agenda. "These subjects will also be discussed at the official
pre-Summit event Imagine 2012 (, an
international conference on cooperative economics organized by Saint
Mary's University," added Dr. J. Colin Dodds, President of the
Canadian university and co-host of the Summit. Since cooperatives and
mutuals face market competition, they must also continue to perform
and differentiate themselves from the prevailing business model,
while staying true to their cooperative values. International
financial experts will present their vision of how cooperatives can
find capitalization and financing on the markets.
Finally, representatives from various international organizations
and different countries and governments around the world will discuss
the global socio-economic influence of cooperatives and mutuals. They
will provide some of the answers that will help determine how
cooperatives can gain more awareness and recognition and exert a fair
share of influence in socio-political decision-making.
With its many theme-based workshops focusing on the cooperatives'
various areas of activity and more than 125 world-renowned speakers
expected to attend, the 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives
promises to be a unique source of global information. In their
workshops, practitioners from the cooperative and mutualist community
will be discussing best practices in the areas of governance,
performance, training, retention, inter-cooperation , social
responsibility and internationalization.
For further information:
(for journalists only):
Nathalie Genest
Press relations
1-866-866-7000, ext. 7275 (Canada only)
ots Originaltext: 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives
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