
Brainlab's ExacTrac® System Achieves Major Sales Milestone

Geschrieben am 12-01-2012

Munich (ots/PRNewswire) -

500th worldwide sale highlights healthcare providers
continued focus on

improving care with frameless radiosurgery

Today Brainlab announced the 500th sale of its ExacTrac(R)
patient positioning system for frameless radiosurgery. The scale of
uptake highlights physicians continued focus on adopting clinically
proven systems for high-precision cancer treatments and their ongoing
investment in ensuring access to advanced radiation therapy for

The ExacTrac(R) system, first developed almost a decade ago, has
been proven consistent and reliable in supporting accurate frameless
radiosurgery for patients with tumors of the brain, spine and beyond.
The system has since been internationally recognized as offering high
accuracy, flexibility and increased patient comfort during treatment.

ExacTrac(R) works by combining with advanced radiosurgery
treatment systems to allow physicians to treat cancers using a
frameless radiosurgery technique. This offers a valuable alternative
to the historical practice that requires immobilization with an
invasive head ring affixed to the skull.[1] The advanced image
guidance and computer-driven optimization of ExacTrac(R) enables
physicians to control every step of the treatment pathway, improving
workflow and flexibility of treatment planning.

Samuel Ryu M.D., Director of Radiation Oncology at the Henry Ford
Health System, USA, comments on the evolution of cancer treatment to
frameless radiosurgery:

"We have transitioned to frameless radiosurgery after conducting
thorough scientific verifications of the precision of the technique.
We have now widely adopted the technique and are applying protocols
to treat more than 99 percent of our patients frameless."

By offering precision to a sub-millimeter level, ExacTrac(R)
provides high accuracy during the entire procedure and helps reduce
errors within the process, therefore maximizing overall treatment
accuracy. By offering the option of non-invasive frameless
radiosurgery,[1] physicians are also able to offer patients a better
treatment experience, increasing comfort and reducing anxiety during
the procedure.

The adoption rate of ExacTrac(R) frameless radiosurgery has
increased significantly over the last few years. A growing number of
physicians worldwide fully rely on the frameless technique for
intra-cranial radiosurgery treatments and have eliminated the use of
the invasive head ring completely.

Stefan Vilsmeier, CEO of Brainlab, comments:

"At Brainlab we endeavor to innovate and improve radiotherapy
treatment. The ExacTrac(R) patient position system is a mark of our
established heritage in frameless radiosurgery and one which we are
continuing to advance to ensure we offer both physicians and patients
advanced tools for cancer care."

About Brainlab

Brainlab develops, manufactures and markets software-driven
medical technology that supports targeted, less-invasive treatment.
Core products are image-guided systems and software that provide
real-time information used for surgical navigation and radiosurgical
planning and delivery.

Brainlab technology drives collaboration between hospitals and
clinicians from a wide variety of subspecialties-from neurosurgery
and oncology to orthopedics, ENT, CMF and spine & trauma. This
integration delivers better access to improved and more efficient

Founded in 1989, the privately held Brainlab group has more than
5,000 systems installed in over 80 countries. Based in Munich,
Germany, Brainlab employs about 1,000 people in 17 offices worldwide.

[1] Some doctors may opt for a minimally invasive head frame
depending on the specific treatment and patient.

To learn more, visit brainlab.com [http://www.brainlab.com ].

ots Originaltext: BrainLAB AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Press enquiries: Rob Jones, Contact: rjones@pegasuspr.co.uk
+44(0)1903-821550 / +44(0)07768-637786, Issued by: Pegasus Public


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