Johnson Controls provides innovative components to enhance the driving experience of the new CITROËN DS5 / Unique seating, electronics enhance vehicle's interior (mit Bild)
Geschrieben am 12-01-2012 |
Cergy-Pontoise, France (ots) -
Johnson Controls, a global leader in automotive seating,
interiors and electronics, will provide key electronic components to
enhance the driving experience of the new CITROËN DS5, including the
head-up display, instrument cluster, and seating solutions.
"We are pleased that CITROËN has selected Johnson Controls to be a
key supplier for this premium vehicle," said Loick Griselain, vice
president and general manager, French OEMs, Electronics, for the
Automotive Experience business of Johnson Controls. "The combination
of the head-up display and the instrument cluster creates a unique
aircraft-like cockpit for the driver."
The full-color technology of the head-up display projects key
driver information from the instrument panel onto a transparent
screen located in the driver's primary field of vision. The ergonomic
positioning of the system enables the driver to perceive and process
the relevant information displayed, such as speed, traffic sign
recognition or turn-by-turn navigation, much faster than standard
displays that are positioned outside the primary field of vision.
This is the fourth application of the head-up display, but the
first in color. The head-up display is also featured in the Peugeot
3008, 5008 and 508.
For the CITROËN DS5 instrument cluster, Johnson Controls has
developed an elegant combination of analog gauges within a digital
cluster built with three displays. High illumination and aesthetic
elements of the cluster include: satin chrome rings; "floating"
pointer with high illumination quality and homogenous brightness due
to an innovative stepper motor as well as the integration of a
reconfigurable color display. The cluster also features high-contrast
monochrome and color liquid crystal displays which can fade out all
displays using a black panel function, and the ability to configure
information by the pointer or the display.
In addition to electronics, Johnson Controls also supplies the
headliner and the complete seating system for the CITROËN DS5. The
seats are made with premium leather materials. The design of the seat
is inspired by a watchband and is unique to the market. This
three-dimensional trim design is produced using a semi-automated
process, providing the appearance of a handmade, luxurious seat.
Digital photos are available at
About Johnson Controls:
Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial
leader serving customers in more than 150 countries. Our 162,000
employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize
energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid
automotive batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric
vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles. Our commitment to
sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of
the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategies and
by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to
shareholders and making our customers successful.
About Johnson Controls Automotive Experience:
Johnson Controls is a global leader in automotive seating,
overhead systems, door and instrument panels, and interior
electronics. We support all major automakers in the differentiation
of their vehicles through our products, technologies and advanced
manufacturing capabilities. With more than 200 plants worldwide, we
are where our customers need us to be. Consumers have enjoyed the
comfort and style of our products, from single components to complete
interiors. With our global capability we supply more than 30 million
cars per year.
For more information, please contact:
Johnson Controls GmbH
Automotive Experience
Industriestraße 20?30
51399 Burscheid
Ulrich Andree
Tel.: +49 2174 65-4343
Fax: +49 2174 65-3219
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