Bigpoint to Give Sneak-Peek of Game of Thrones Browser-Based MMORPG at Upcoming Game Developers Conference
Geschrieben am 29-02-2012 |
Game Developers Conference - San Francisco (ots) -
Free-to-Play Fantasy Role Playing Game to Capture the Dark World
and Deadly Battles from the Emmy® Winning Show
Bigpoint ( - a global leader in online video
games - today announced it will provide an exclusive first look into
the pre-production of the upcoming Game of Thrones browser-based
massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG), at the Game
Developers Conference ( Bigpoint
has partnered with HBO to develop the game inspired by the network's
critically acclaimed television show, Game of Thrones, adapted from
the bestselling fantasy book series, A Song of Ice and Fire, written
by George R.R. Martin. The game will be set within the fictional,
medieval world of Westeros and its Seven Kingdoms, where summers span
decades and winters can last a lifetime. Bigpoint will discuss the
game's development with select journalists at the Game Developers
Conference in San Francisco next week, March 7-9.
"With a rich and complex story, expressed through an amazing level
of detail, it's easy to see why the HBO series, Game of Thrones, has
amassed an army of fans worldwide," said Heiko Hubertz, CEO and
founder, Bigpoint. "We intend to build a game that resonates
intimately with its diehard community of followers, while also
creating an authentic gaming experience that attracts newcomers to
the franchise. The excitement of online games is that, over time,
their collective input will help shape the game's destiny; we're
eager to see how the story unfolds."
Bigpoint's design goal is to capture the show's compelling drama
and action and create a visceral gaming experience via an
unprecedented level of visual fidelity. The bloodthirsty struggle for
power, corruption, and deception will persist. To ensure survival of
their dynasty, players must master combat and politics.
"Game of Thrones is set in a mythical fantasy world and features
compelling stories of honor, adventure and the struggle to conquer
your opponents, a narrative that lends itself perfectly to gaming,"
states Martin.
"The creation of a Game of Thrones online role-playing game is a
perfect natural extension to the series. The show has resonated
extremely well with fans so we think they will be terribly excited to
have an opportunity to be personally immersed in all the action,"
explained series executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
"As a gamer I couldn't be happier seeing the series translated to
this medium and can't wait to play it," added Weiss.
Bigpoint has selected seasoned Norwegian development studio,
Artplant, as its development partner for this project. The title will
be built atop the Unity development platform, the technology behind
several of Bigpoint's breakthrough titles, including Battlestar
Galactica Online, which Artplant also helped develop. Over 80 million
consumers have installed the Unity plug-in, which enables them to
play extremely high-fidelity games through their web browsers.
The design and the pre-production phase of the game began last
summer, and an initial closed beta is planned for fall 2012.
Journalists interested in receiving an overview of the project should
contact Bigpoint's U.S. PR team to schedule a briefing. All briefings
will take place in Bigpoint's booth, (North Hall, #702). Fans are
encouraged to visit: for more
About Bigpoint
Bigpoint ( is an online-game developer,
publisher and content provider for more than 1000 global distribution
partners. Bigpoint's free-to-play games are played by over 250
million registered users in over 25 languages. The company's
portfolio includes casual, core, and hardcore titles, including
Battlestar Galactica Online, The Mummy Online, and Drakensang Online.
Over 800 employees from more than 35 countries work together at
Bigpoint offices in Hamburg, Berlin, San Francisco, São Paulo, and
Malta. For more information please visit
About HBO Licensing & Retail
HBO Licensing & Retail officially licenses the HBO® brand for the
development and merchandising of innovative product lines inspired by
the network's award-winning programming. With products created
around classic series like the The Sopranos® and Sex and the City® to
current hits like True Blood® and Entourage®, items include fashion
apparel, jewelry, digital and CD soundtracks, games, books as well as
exclusive, premium collections in partnership with upscale, designer
brands. Merchandise can be purchased in retail stores nationwide, at, and at the groundbreaking HBO retail hub, the
HBO Shop®, located at 42nd and 6th Avenue in New York City. HBO
Licensing & Retail products are also sold internationally across
Europe, Asia and Australia.
Press Contact
Matthias Mirlach
Lead Public Relations
+49 (0) 40 881413 207
United States:
Alan Dunton
Bigpoint PR Director
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