Colorectal cancer incidence and death rates in Europe remain alarming! / European colorectal cancer awareness month (eccam) calls on all Europeans to fight this trend
Geschrieben am 01-03-2012 |
London (ots) - The global burden of colorectal cancer continues to
increase largely because of the ageing and growth of the world
population alongside an increasing adoption of cancer-causing
behaviors, particularly smoking, in economically developing
countries. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is rare in developing countries,
but is the second most frequent malignancy in affluent societies. In
Europe, each year more than 450,000 people are diagnosed with
colorectal cancer and about 230,000 will die of the disease.
Incidence rates are rapidly increasing in several areas
historically at low risk, including Spain, and a number of countries
within Eastern Europe. Notably, rates among males in the Czech
Republic have already exceeded the peak of incidence observed in the
United States, where rates are declining or stabilizing. Such
unfavorable trends are thought to reflect a combination of factors
including changes in dietary patterns, obesity, and an increased
prevalence of smoking.
While colorectal cancer death rates have been decreasing in
several Western countries, largely resulting from improved treatment
and increased awareness and early detection, rates continue to
increase in many countries with more limited resources and health
infrastructure, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe.
These numbers are alarming, since CRC is a highly preventable
disease through progressively improved diagnosis and curable in over
90% of cases if diagnosed early.
This is why it is imperative to raise awareness of CRC screening
and treatment especially in those countries where rates continue to
increase. ECCAM, launched in 2008 by EuropaColon, is helping to
achieve that goal. EuropaColon's 21 affiliate and associate groups
across Europe including Spain, Czech Republic and Poland are carrying
out numerous public activities during the month of March to raise the
profile of CRC prevention and treatment in the media, the public and
at political level.
"It is alarming to see CRC incidence and death numbers rising at
high speed in many European countries, whilst decreasing in others,
reflecting the differences in screening and treatment in Europe in a
dramatic way," says Jola Gore-Booth, Founder and CEO of EuropaColon.
"The activities during ECCAM undertaken by our local organizations
help to inform more people across Europe about prevention, screening
and access to best treatment and care. We call on politicians,
clinicians, industry and media to support these initiatives in order
to save lives from this threatening disease."
About EuropaColon:
Founded by Jola Gore-Booth in 2004, EuropaColon is the first
European umbrella organization dedicated to colorectal cancer. It
aims to unite patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals,
politicians, the media and the public in the fight against the
disease. EuropaColon is currently represented in 21 countries in
Europe and has been acknowledged as the voice of colorectal cancer
patients in the EU Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.
For constant updates on the activities of EC's affiliate and
associate group please visit:
Address: EuropaColon (headquarter): 94 Wilton Road, Salisbury,
SP27JJ, United Kingdom
Jemal A et al, Global Cancer Statistics, CA CANCER J CLIN
Ferlay J et al, Estimates of worldwide burden of cancer in 2008:
GLOBOCAN Int J Cancer, 2008,
Jola Gore-Booth
Tel: 00447990972650
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