Nubian Resources Ltd. - Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Geschrieben am 05-03-2012 |
Abbortsford, British Columbia (ots/PRNewswire) -
Nubian Resources Ltd. (the "Company") announces that it held its
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") on Thursday,
March 1, 2012 at which Meeting the following individuals were
re-elected directors of the Company: Markus Janser, David A. Fynn,
Lawrence G. Treadgold and Christopher J.V. Wheatley. Shareholders
approved the re-appointment of Morgan & Co., as auditors of the
Company and continuation of the Company's 10% rolling stock option
Immediately after the Meeting, the Board of Directors appointed
the following officers of the Company:
Lawrence G. Treadgold Chief Executive Officer
David A. Fynn, CA Chief Financial Officer
Jeannette Durand Corporate Secretary
Markus Janser will continue his role as Lead Director of the
Company and Dr. Christopher J.V. Wheatley was appointed as Technical
David A. Fynn, Markus Janser and Christopher J.V. Wheatley were
appointed members of the Audit Committee for the ensuing year, of
which David A. Fynn is Chair.
CEO of Nubian, Lawrence Treadgold, comments: "that he is pleased
that more than 30% of shareholders were represented in the meeting
and unanimously supported all resolutions".
"Larry Treadgold"
Larry Treadgold CEO Nubian Resources Ltd
This release includes certain statements that are
"forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other
than statements of historical facts that address future exploration,
development and production activities, and other circumstances,
events and developments that the Company expects, are forward-looking
statements. Although management believes the expectations expressed
in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable
assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future
performance, and actual results, events and developments may differ
materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The
occurrence of certain risk factors, the probability of which is
unknown, may also affect actual results, events and developments
expected by the Company.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services
Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture
Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this
For further information:
Office: +1(604)859-3007
Jeannette Durand,
Web Page:
ots Originaltext: Nubian Resources Inc.
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