EANS-Adhoc: Mikron Holding AG / Media release on Annual Report 2011 / German
Bundeskartellamt approved the takeover of IMA Automation Berlin GmbH
Geschrieben am 12-03-2012 |
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Media release on Annual Report 2011 / German Bundeskartellamt
approved the takeover of IMA Automation Berlin GmbH
Mikron surpasses goals for 2011 and is cautiously optimistic going
Biel, 12 March 2012, 7:00 a.m. The Mikron Group has surpassed its
goals for the 2011 financial year by a substantial margin, posting
sales of CHF 210.9 million (previous year: CHF 182.5 million) and
EBIT of CHF 9.4 million (previous year: CHF 3.1 million). Both
business segments - Automation and Machining - contributed to the
pronounced growth. Mikron expects a further increase in sales in
2012, despite the difficult business environment. As announced on 1
February 2012, the Mikron Group acquires IMA Automation Berlin GmbH
from the Feintool Group with retroactive effect from 1 January 2012.
Last Friday the German Bundeskartellamt (competition authority)
approved the sale agreed on 31 January 2012.
Thanks to growth in its net sales, improvements in the product mix, a
marked gain in productivity and further progress in risk management,
Mikron improved its EBIT margin to 4.5% of net sales and its profit
to CHF 7.1 million (prior year: CHF 1.6 million). Based on these
strong results, the Board of Directors of the Mikron Group will be
proposing a distribution of CHF 0.12 per share to the Annual General
The automotive industry was the key driving force behind the demand
for capital goods worldwide in 2011. In the medical devices and
pharmaceuticals industries, by contrast, the discussions on national
over-indebtedness and healthcare savings resulted in a hesitant
approach to investment decisions and significant price pressure.
Order intake and net sales The Mikron Group posted an order intake of
CHF 225.0 million in 2011 (prior year: CHF 219.8 million; +2%) and
met its target for growth with a 16% increase in net sales to CHF
210.9 million (prior year: CHF 182.5 million). Order backlog at the
end of the year stood at a healthy CHF 95.9 million (prior year: CHF
84.2 million; +14%).
While the Machining segment posted stronger than expected growth in
its order intake, which rose by 22% to a pleasing CHF 148.3 million
(prior year: CHF 121.2 million), the Automation segment clearly
missed the previous year´s excellent performance (CHF 99.6 million),
with order intake for 2011 totaling CHF 77.1 million (-23%). The
Automation segment was particularly hard hit by the currency
developments experienced over the course of the year. However, it
increased net sales by 10% to CHF 88.1 million (prior year: CHF 79.9
Earnings performance Despite the competitive disadvantages imposed by
currency developments, Mikron succeeded overall in meeting its
earnings targets for 2011. The Group raised its earnings before
interest and taxes (EBIT) to CHF 9.4 million (prior year: CHF 3.1
million), and its operating result to CHF 7.4 million (prior year:
CHF 0.5 million). The main contributor to this positive development
was the Machining segment.
Profit and shareholders´ equity The Mikron Group´s profit rose from
CHF 1.6 million to CHF 7.1 million in 2011. This corresponds to
profit per share of CHF 0.43. The Group´s financial stability is
reflected in its equity ratio of 67.6%.
Cash flow The Mikron Group succeeded in maintaining a high level of
cash and cash equivalents, including current financial assets in
excess of 20% of total assets in 2011. Mikron is free of net debt:
cash and cash equivalents of CHF 50.0 million significantly exceed
interest-bearing liabilities of just CHF 15.4 million. In the year
under review free cash flow totaled CHF 0.5 million (without the
purchase of the production site for Mikron Tool SA Agno), compared
with CHF 13.0 million in the previous year (excluding changes in
financial assets). Higher net working capital as a result of
increased business volume more than compensated for the sharp
improvement in profit.
Outlook Mikron expects to generate net sales of some CHF 220 million
in the 2012 financial year on the back of a good order backlog and
positive signals from the customers. This figure excludes net sales
from the recently acquired IMA Automation Berlin. The higher sales
volume and improved productivity should generate an EBIT margin
slightly superior to 2011. However, EBIT is especially susceptible to
any weakening of the euro.
Key figures for the Mikron Group in 2011
2011 2010(restated) +/-
CHF Mio.
Order intake 225.0 219.8 2%
- Machining 148.3 121.2 22%
- Automation 77.1 99.6 -23%
Net sales 210.9 182.5 16%
- Machining 123.3 103.4 19%
- Automation 88.1 79.9 10%
Order backlog 95.9 84.2 14%
- Machining 61.7 37.2 66%
- Automation 34.2 46.6 -27%
Number of employees 972 902 8%
- Machining 512 464 10%
- Automation 455 432 5%
EBIT 9.4 3.1 n.a.
- Machining 7.1 1.4 n.a.
- Automation 0.1 0.0 n.a.
Profit for the year 7.1 1.6 n.a.
Operating cash flow 8.0 14.9 -46%
Balance sheet total 219.1 206.6 6%
Shareholders´ equity 67.6% 68.2% -0.6%
Publication of annual results for 2011 The annual results will be
published at the same time as this media release in the form of the
2011 Annual Report: www.mikron.com/reports
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== Brief profile of the Mikron
Group The Mikron Group is a globally operating, technologically
leading supplier of machining and automation solutions for
high-volume and high-precision production. Its main markets are the
automotive component supply industry, the pharmaceutical and medical
devices industries, the writing instrument industry, and the
electronics and watchmaking industries. With over 100 years of
experience, rooted in Swiss innovation and quality culture, the
Mikron Group is a long-term process and technology partner to many
industry leaders. Its powerful and reliable machines, systems and
tools fulfill the highest standards in terms of precision, economy
and flexibility. A comprehensive range of services rounds off
Mikron’s market offering. The Mikron Group’s operations are divided
into the two divisions Mikron Machining and Mikron Automation. The
Group employs a workforce of almost 1000, the majority of them at its
two main sites in Agno (Switzerland) and Boudry (Switzerland).
Further facilities are located in Rottweil (Germany), Denver (USA),
Monroe (USA), Singapore and Shanghai (China).
Investor Relations Calendar of Events
17 April 2012, 4.00 p.m. – Annual General Meeting 2012, Biel
20 July 2012, 7.00 a.m. – Media release: Semiannual results 2012
Except for the historical information contained herein, the
statements in this media release are forward-looking statements that
involve risks and uncertainties.
Mikron® is a trademark of Mikron Holding AG, Biel (Switzerland).
Further inquiry note:
Mikron Management AG, Martin Blom, Chief Financial Officer
Phone +41 62 916 69 60, ir.mma@mikron.com
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end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Mikron Holding AG
Mühlebrücke 2
CH-2502 Biel
phone: +41 32 321 72 00
FAX: +41 32 321 72 01
mail: mho@mikron.com
WWW: www.mikron.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: CH0003390066
indexes: SPI, SPIEX, SPI ex SLI
stockmarkets: Domestic Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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