EANS-News: C.A.T. oil enters 2012 with strong order book of EUR 267 million
Geschrieben am 13-03-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Company Information
Subtitle: • Top 5 customers placed new orders worth EUR 267 million •
Current volume surpasses prior-year order book by 20% • First orders
for new high-class conventional drilling rigs included • Additional
tenders expected as conventional drilling expansion continues
Vienna, 13 March 2012 (euro adhoc) - C.A.T. oil AG (O2C, ISIN:
AT0000A00Y78), one of the leading providers of oil and gas field
services in Russia and Kazakhstan, has been successful in the 2012
tendering campaign: as of 1 March 2012, the Company´s order book
peaked at EUR 267 million (based on a rouble-to-euro exchange rate of
40). Compared to the same period last year this represents an
increase of 20%. In addition to the 2012 tenders C.A.T. oil already
received first assignments for 2013. The total volume of orders has
surpassed the EUR 300 million mark, currently amounting to EUR 306
million for 2012 and 2013.
Manfred Kastner, CEO of C.A.T. oil, said: "We have pro-actively
entered the 2012 tendering campaign once again targeting at a new
record high of order intakes. The current level of our 2012 order
book represents an impressive increase of 20% over the last year and
clearly demonstrates our strong reputation in the market for
delivering high-class services based on state-of-the-art technology.
We experienced a particularly strong demand for our new conventional
drilling rigs which once again confirmed our decision to enter into
this attractive market segment."
Historically, at the beginning of a year C.A.T. oil has been able to
book in advance approximately 80% of each year´s annual orders. As
part of its business expansion, C.A.T. oil started to market another
six new high-class conventional drilling rigs which have already been
delivered and prepared for operations. C.A.T. oil is therefore very
well positioned to expand its order book volume in the course of the
year and anticipates additional intakes.
"We are very proud of the results of the tendering campaign laying
the basis for a successful financial year 2012. With our new
conventional drilling rigs being marketed at premium to the current
market rates and further capacities on-hand we are well positioned
for additional profitable growth." Manfred Kastner said.
On April 30, 2012 C.A.T. oil will publish its results for Fiscal Year
2011 and provide an outlook for Fiscal Year 2012.
Press contact:
FTI Consulting
Carolin Amann
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-132
Email: carolin.amann@fticonsulting.com
Thomas M. Krammer
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com
About C.A.T. oil AG: C.A.T. oil AG is one of the leading providers of
oil and gas field services in Russia and Kazakhstan and is listed on
the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (SDAX). C.A.T. oil offers a wide
spectrum of services to increase the lifecycle of an oil field or to
make unexploited oil fields accessible. The Company´s growth is
driven by the following factors: Existing oil fields need to be
stimulated due to shrinking oil and gas resources in order to
optimize capacities. Simultaneously, idle wells are reactivated or
made accessible through new methods in order to deploy wells to their
maximum. Additionally, C.A.T. oil will establish conventional
drilling as third core service which allows to activate completely
unexploited oil and gas sources. Since its foundation in 1991 in
Celle, Germany, C.A.T. oil has built up a leading hydraulic
fracturing services business in Russia and Kazakhstan. Following its
IPO in 2006 the Company has invested more than EUR 250 million in
additional services and capacities: sidetrack drilling has become the
Company´s second core business. In November 2010, the Company
introduced a comprehensive investment program with a volume of EUR
150 million which will mainly be used to set up conventional drilling
as part of the Company´s service portfolio. Furthermore, C.A.T. oil
offers coiled tubing, well work-over, cementing and seismic services.
Due to the recent investments C.A.T. oil´s fleets and rigs are
state-of-the-art and therefore allow for time-efficient and effective
deployment. C.A.T. oil´s customer base includes the leading Russian
and Kazakh oil and gas producers amongst them Gazprom, KazMunaiGaz,
LUKOIL, Rosneft and TNK-BP. C.A.T. oil has a long-standing
relationship with these customers and has been a reliable service
provider since its market entrance in the early nineties. The Company
has its headquarters in Vienna. From January to December 2011, the
Company employed an average of 2,360 people, most of which are based
in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Further inquiry note:
Thomas M. Krammer
Tel: +49(0)69-92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: C.A.T. oil AG
Kärtner Ring 11-13
A-A-1010 Wien
phone: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 0
FAX: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 20
mail: ir@catoilag.com
WWW: http://www.catoilag.com
sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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- EANS-News: C.A.T. oil startet mit starkem Auftragsvolumen von EUR 267 Millionen
ins neue Jahr 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporate News übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
Emittent/Meldungsgeber verantwortlich.
Utl.: • Die fünf größten Kunden vergeben Neuaufträge in Höhe von EUR
267 Millionen • Aktuelles Volumen liegt bereits 20% über dem
Auftragsbuch des Vorjahres • Auftragsbuch enthält erste Aufträge für
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