EANS-News: Österreichische Post AG / PostNL to acquire Dutch and Belgian
trans-o-flex activities from Austrian Post
Geschrieben am 15-03-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
Subtitle: • PostNL Parcels gains a strong B2B market position in the
Netherlands and Belgium • Austrian Post gets a sustainable solution
through this new logistics partnership in the Benelux
The Hague / Vienna (euro adhoc) - PostNL Parcels has agreed to
acquire the Dutch and Belgian activities of the trans-o-flex Group,
owned by Austrian Post. With this acquisition PostNL Parcels
immediately gains a strong market position on the Belgian business to
business (B2B) market while strengthening its position on the Dutch
market for multi-colli shipments, for example palletised
consignments. Both parties have agreed not to communicate any
financial details about the transaction.
The acquisition fits in PostNL Parcels´ strategy of strengthening its
presence in the Benelux market for consolidated parcels. trans-o-flex
Belgium will provide PostNL Parcels with an strong foothold in the
Belgian B2B market featuring a leading capacity in the Pharma
vertical market. The Dutch trans-o-flex activities add parcel and
pallet volumes that immediately fit in PostNL Parcels´ existing
network and add commercial competences in the Pharma and Consumer
Electronics verticals.
The customers of the Austrian Post subsidiary trans-o-flex in Germany
will benefit from the new partnership in the Benelux countries, due
to the fact that a sustainable and strong logistics solution has been
created on the basis of the core competencies of both companies.
With the transaction, PostNL will also acquire a 7.2% shareholding in
the EURODIS network. The EURODIS network offers a strong partner
network for B2B shipments to 34 European countries with unified
processes and active quality management.
Herna Verhagen, Member of the PostNL Board of Management, says: "We
are happy to announce this acquisition. The transaction provides us
with an immediate presence in the Belgian business-to-business
market. Our existing Dutch B2B-activities are instantaneously
complemented with almost 50% more capacity for multi-colli,
palletised shipments. Developing our network with B2B-capabilities
enables us to meet an increasing demand from our business customers,
while reaching cost synergies by integrating our 2C and 2B networks."
Peter Umundum, Member of the Management Board of Austrian Post with
responsibility for the Parcel & Logistics Division, says: "We are
happy to have found a strong partner for the Benelux region in
PostNL. This structural reorientation is a win-win situation. As a
result we can offer an excellent logistics solution for Belgium and
the Netherlands to our customers in Germany and Austria. Furthermore,
we expect a strengthening of the EURODIS network."
Last year, trans-o-flex Netherlands and Belgium reached combined
revenues of approximately EUR 50 million. The company shipped just
over 14 million parcels and 550.000 pallets. Its network consists of
nine depots and employs more than 250 people.
Further inquiry note:
Austrian Post
Head of Press & Internal Communications
Ms Ingeborg Gratzer
Tel.: +43 577677 24730
Head of Investor Relations & Corp. Governance
Mr Harald Hagenauer
Tel.: +43 57767 30400
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Österreichische Post AG
Haidingergasse 1
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 (0)57767-0
mail: investor@post.at
WWW: www.post.at
sector: Transport
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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