EANS-Adhoc: Air Berlin PLC realises total revenue of EUR 4.23 billion in the
financial year 2011 - the operating result decreases to EUR -247 million
Geschrieben am 16-03-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
fy2011 results
Ad hoc Notification pursuant to § 15 of the German Securities Trading
Act (WpHG)
London, 16 March 2012 - Air Berlin PLC has realised a group revenue
of EUR 4.23 billion (2010: EUR 3.72 billion, 2010 pro-forma*: EUR
3.85 billion) in the financial year 2011. The operating result (EBIT)
declined from EUR -9.3 million (pro-forma 2010*: EUR -16.7 million)
in the previous year to EUR -247.0 million in the financial year
EBITDAR decreased from EUR 618.5 million in the financial year 2010
(pro-forma 2010*: EUR 619.9 million) by 31.1% to EUR 425.9 million in
the financial year 2011. This is mainly due to an increase in
operating expenses from EUR 3.16 billion in the reporting year (2010
pro-forma*: EUR 3.28 billion) by 20.6% to EUR 3.81 billion in the
financial year 2011. Due to the introduction of the German aviation
tax (EUR 165.6 million) and the increase in fuel prices (EUR 229.2
million), Air Berlin PLC had to bear extraordinary charges of
approximately EUR 395 million.
The financial result improved from EUR -133.3 million (pro-forma
2010*: EUR -135.1 million) to EUR -111.9 million, mainly resulting
from considerably lower financial expenses.
Pre-tax earnings in the financial year 2011 amounted to EUR -358.8
million compared to EUR -141.6 million in 2010 (pro-forma 2010*: EUR
-150.7 million). After a tax benefit in the amount of EUR 93.2
million, the net result for the reporting year 2011 amounted to EUR
-265.6 million compared to EUR -97.2 million in the previous year
(pro-forma 2010*: EUR -106.3 million). Earnings per share based on
the average number of 85.048 million shares outstanding thus amounted
to EUR -3.12 compared to EUR -1.14 in the previous year (both
undiluted and diluted).
As of 31 December 2011, Air Berlin PLC´s total assets amounted to EUR
2,270.2 million (previous year: EUR 2,370.1 million), its total
equity amounted to EUR 259.9 million (previous year: EUR 505.3
million), and its net debt amounted to EUR 813.0 million (previous
year: EUR 489.3 million).
Air Berlin will publish detailed information on the annual financial
statements as well as the complete annual report as at 31 December
2011 on 16 March 2012. The information will be available on the
internet at ir.airberlin.com starting at 7:45 am (CET).
*pro-forma: 2010 consolidated financial statements of Air Berlin PLC
include the 2010 adjusted figures for NIKI Luftfahrt GmbH, which has
been consolidated in Air Berlin PLC´s financial statements with
effect as of 1 July 2010.
Air Berlin PLC The Hour House 32 High Street Rickmansworth WD3 1ER
Hertfordshire Great Britain ISIN GB00B128C026, WKN AB1000 (Share) on
the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (regulated market, Prime Standard) ISIN
DE000A0NQ9H6 (Convertible Bond 2007) Euro MTF Market on the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange ISIN DE000AB100A6 (Bond 2010), ISIN
DE000AB100B4 (Bond April 2011) and ISIN DE000AB100C2 (Bond November
2011) segment Bondm of the open market on the Stuttgart Stock
Exchange and the Main Securities Market of the Irish Stock Exchange
Further inquiry note:
Ingolf Hegner
Head of Investor Relations
+49 (0)30 3434 1590
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Air Berlin PLC
The Hour House, High Street 32
UK-WD3 1ER Rickmansworth, Herts
phone: +49 (0)30 3434 1500
FAX: +49 (0)30/3434-1509
mail: abpresse@airberlin.com
WWW: http://www.airberlin.com
sector: Air Transport
ISIN: GB00B128C026
indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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