EANS-News: asknet AG / asknet wins CyberLink as its newest customer
Geschrieben am 20-03-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Subtitle: Karlsruhe-based specialist for electronic software
distribution will handle global eCommerce activities for Taiwanese
software publisher
Karlsruhe (euro adhoc) - March 20, 2012 - asknet AG today announced
its newest international client, CyberLink Corp., a global player and
pioneer in enabling digital multimedia on PCs, consumer electronics
and mobile devices. The Karlsruhe-based software company will provide
CyberLink with shopping cart, payment and delivery services for its
products sold online including the series of prize-winning
applications for the playback, creation and distribution of digital
media content.
CyberLink CEO Alice Chang explained that the decision to incorporate
the asknet platform was based on the company´s unique set of
credentials and unmatched partnership approach. "In addition to its
outstanding track-record in global eCommerce, asknet won us over with
the flexibility of its software architecture and client-tailored
asknet will fulfill orders, deliveries and payment processes for
CyberLink products purchased online, including the well-known
software PowerDVD and PowerDirector. CyberLink´s software solutions
include complete applications for Blu-ray Disc playback and creation,
digital home entertainment and touch-enabled media.
"We are honored to be chosen to work with CyberLink on its eCommerce
program," said asknet Co-CEO Michael Konrad. "Our flexible framework
and business model has proven again that a static one-size-fits-all
approach doesn´t work for global eCommerce. CyberLink is an excellent
fit with our client structure and consolidates our global
asknet´s global eCommerce platform enables businesses to set up
localized e-shops using different combinations of shop languages,
billing currencies, payment options and customer service languages.
With the flexible asknet eCommerce platform, global eCommerce can be
deployed within a short timeframe, to generate sales from virtually
all countries around the world.
About CyberLink: CyberLink Corp is the leader and pioneer in enabling
digital multimedia on PCs, CEs and mobile devices through the use of
video editing software, video player software, and other multimedia
solutions. Backed by a group of high-caliber software engineers,
CyberLink owns its core codec and a number of patented technologies.
CyberLink has built a solid reputation for delivering high-quality,
interoperable, and fast time-to-market solutions that keep our OEM
partners on the leading edge. Our business partners include leaders
in the PC industry: top-5 desktop and notebook providers, optical
drive manufacturers and graphic-card makers. Today, CyberLink´s
software solutions include: complete applications for Blu-ray Disc
playback and creation; digital home entertainment; and touch-enabled
media solution. With customers spanning from multi-national
corporations to small/medium-sized businesses, and from power users
to home users, CyberLink has enjoyed rapid and consistent growth
leading to a record breaking IPO in 2000 on the Taiwan Over The
Counter Exchange (OTC: 5203). Currently, CyberLink is listed on the
Taiwan Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: 5203.TW). CyberLink's worldwide
headquarters is located in Taipei. To keep up with market demands,
CyberLink has operations in North America, Europe and the Asia
Pacific region, including Japan. For more information, please visit
CyberLink's website at www.cyberlink.com.
About asknet: asknet offers its clients customized outsourcing
solutions for global software sales via the Internet. Founded in 1995
as a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, formerly
the University of Karlsruhe), the company has become a leading
independent global provider for electronic software distribution. In
addition to its fully integrated shop solutions for software
publishers, the company develops and maintains portals for software
distribution and also supplies software products to around eighty
percent of German universities. In 2010, asknet posted sales of
approximately EUR 72.7 million. asknet´s clients include numerous
providers of specialty software such as F-Secure, IS3, Nero,
NetObjects, Norman, and Panda Security.
Further inquiry note:
Martina Oerther
Vice President Corporate Marketing
Tel.: +49 (0)721 96 458-6369
Email: martina.oerther@asknet.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: asknet AG
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3
D-76131 Karlsruhe
phone: +49 (0)721 96 458 6369
FAX: +49 (0)721-96 45899
mail: info@asknet.de
WWW: http://www.asknet.de
sector: Electronic Commerce
ISIN: DE0005173306
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Open Market /
Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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