EANS-News: Nordex SE / E.ON shows confidence in Nordex - twice
Geschrieben am 22-03-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Subtitle: Nordex wins 55 MW project in Poland
Hamburg (euro adhoc) - Hamburg, 22 March 2012. The turbine
manufacturer Nordex has obtained a follow-up order in Poland for the
delivery and installation of turbines for a wind farm for the Polish
subsidiary of E.ON Climate & Renewables. Until 2013, the manufacturer
will be delivering a total of 22 large N90/2500 turbines for the
projects "Wysoka I and II". Installation is to be performed in two
phases: the first sub-section with three turbines will be set up in
the course of this year, with a further 19 being added in 2013.
The location of the wind farm is 100 kilometres to the south of
Szczecin, near to the main Nordex production facility in Rostock. The
turbines will later be serviced by a local service point belonging to
the Polish subsidiary, which Nordex established in 2008.
The new project is now the third E.ON-wind farm to which Nordex
delivers turbines. It is also the largest individual Polish project
for Nordex to date. Including the "Wysoka" wind farm, the
manufacturer will have delivered turbines with a total capacity of
around 200 MW in Poland.
"This is the third time E.ON has decided in favour of our 2.5 MW
series, marking a continuation of the successful partnership with
Nordex in the Polish market. In view of the strong position our
customer holds here, this is a very gratifying success," says Lars
Bondo Krogsgaard, CCO Sales at Nordex SE.
About Nordex As one of the technological leaders in multi-megawatt
wind power systems, Nordex is benefiting from the trend in favour of
large-scale turbines. The range comprises one of the world´s largest
series-produced wind power systems (N90/2500, N100/2500, N117/2400).
To date, over 1,700 turbines of this type have been installed around
the world. This experience with multi-megawatt turbines gives Nordex
a decisive lead over most of its competitors. Nordex has installed a
total of around 4,700 turbines with an aggregate capacity of more
than 7,100 MW all around the world. With exports accounting for more
than 90 percent of its business, Nordex SE plays a key role in
international high-growth regions. The Company has offices and
subsidiaries in 19 countries around the world with a total global
headcount of over 2,600 employees.
Further inquiry note:
Felix Losada
Tel.: +49 (0)40 300 30 1141
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Nordex SE
Langenhorner Chaussee 600
D-22419 Hamburg
phone: +49 (0)40 30030-1000
FAX: +49 (0)40 30030-1101
mail: info@nordex-online.com
WWW: http://www.nordex-online.com
sector: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE000A0D6554, DE0000A0D66L2
indexes: TecDAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share, ÖkoDAX
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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