EANS-Adhoc: BWT Aktiengesellschaft / BWT - annual results 2011 -
BWT bets on globally patented revolutionary Mg2+ technology investing EUR 75
Geschrieben am 26-03-2012 |
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Company Information
• Revenues 2011: EUR 478.9 million (+3.9%)
• Earnings per share EUR 0.80 (2010: EUR 1.32)
• Dividend proposed at EUR 0.28 per share
• Healthy balance sheet
"The year 2011 was marked by the kickoff of our consumer strategy
aiming to position the brand BWT - For You and Planet Blue as the
water brand with end consumers. Using our strong technologies, our
healthy balance sheet and new, state-of-the-art production facilities
in the framework of our Mondsee site expansion we have the best
possible chances for a successful future", says Andreas
Weissenbacher, CEO of BWT about the year 2011.
In 2011, the BWT Group has grown by 3.9% achieving revenues of EUR
478.9 million (previous year: EUR 460.7 million). On a constant
consolidation basis, revenue growth was 8.9%. Group EBIT amounted to
EUR 21.7 million (previous year: EUR 31.5 million). The decline of
earnings is mainly due to the investment programme started in 2011,
comprising spending for the further expansion of the Point of Use
segment as well as costs associated with the launch of the "BWT"
brand. Net attributale income amounted to EUR 13.6 million compared
to EUR 22.7 million in the year before, as a result, earnings per
share amounted to EUR 0.80 Euro (previous year: EUR 1.32).
At the end of 2011, the ratio of equity was 49.0% (after 51.0%)
despite high investments and further share buybacks, and gearing (net
debt related to equity) increased moderately to 10.5% (previous year:
6.0%). The Management Board will propose the upcoming Annual General
Meeting a dividend of EUR 0.28 per share (previous year: EUR 0.40).
The consumer strategy and the launch of the brand "BWT - For You and
Planet Blue" as the leading "water brand" and the expansion
investments for development, production and logistics capacities in
the Point of Use-product segment at the site in Mondsee are the
preconditions of dynamic growth not only in Point of Use, but also in
Point of Entry. Foundation and best precondition are the strong
balance sheet of the Group and unique water technologies ranging from
hauseholds to the pharma and biotech industries. For example, the
Mg2+ technology for best mineralised, good tasting water, or the
world´s first anti-arsenic filter as table water filter, the new
softener generations AQA perla and Rondomat Duo S and the BWT Septron
Biosafe EDI module for highest highly purified water requirements in
the pharma and biotech industries. For 2012, we expect higher
revenues and increasing advertisement investments while earnings to
be almost unchanged.
The Annual Report and Annual Financial Report 2011 are available on
our homepage www.bwt-group.com under section Investor Relations.
Further inquiry note:
BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Mag. Ralf Burchert
Tel.: 06232/5011-1113
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Walter-Simmer-Str. 4
A-5310 Mondsee
phone: 06232/5011-0
FAX: 06232/4058
mail: office@bwt.at
WWW: www.bwt-group.com
sector: Water Supply
ISIN: AT0000737705
indexes: ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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